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What tests and investigations can expect a patient with symptoms of BPH for diagnosis? Methods of diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia in the urologist may consist of several kemie stages, and include the following procedure, appointed a physician: Detailed questioning about your symptoms. Your physician urologist will also be willing to learn about other health problems not related to the genitourinary kemie system, about the medicines you take, that if there were cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia in your family. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, antihistamines, and antacids are considered drugs, also tell your doctor about them. Your doctor kemie may offer you a complete questionnaire on a scale of prostatic symptoms. Digital rectal examination. Wearing gloves and lubricated her, the doctor kemie gently brings the finger into the rectum. Since the prostate gland is located next to the rectum, the doctor can determine whether increased prostate gland, as well as to check for signs of prostate cancer. Urinalysis. Taking a urine test and further study it in the lab can help to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, infection or other diseases that cause similar to BPH symptoms such as inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), bladder infections and kidney disease.
Other tests that the attending kemie physician may prescribe, to confirm or refute kemie the diagnosis of BPH include: Transrectal kemie ultrasound (TRUS). In this study, estimate the size of the prostate gland. TRUS can help diagnose or eliminate prostate cancer. Study lies in the fact that in the rectum, the ultrasonic sensor is introduced, which is sized and shaped like a big cigar. Reflected ultrasonic waves from the prostate gland produces its image. TRUS runs for five minutes, and the procedure is not painful, although it is possible some discomfort and unpleasant kemie pressure. Cystoscopy. This medical research allows the doctor to examine the urethra and bladder. After local anesthesia thin tube cystoscope gently kemie injected into the urethra (the urethra). The doctor, after this procedure, it may be said, whether caused by compression of the urethra enlarged prostate, whether blocked urethra or bladder neck, is there any anatomical abnormalities, or bladder stones. The procedure can be moderately painful. kemie Urodynamic study the pressure - flow. This study measures the pressure in the bladder and its function during urination. After local anesthesia kemie is administered via the urethra small catheter into the bladder through a bladder slowly added water in order to measure the internal pressure of the bladder and to determine how effectively the bladder is reduced. Bladder pressure and urinary flow can be measured during urination. The test takes 30 minutes to one hour. Basically urodynamics used in men with complex or unusual symptoms. IVP or CT scan. These studies using X-rays for imaging the urinary tract to diagnose their pathologies or other obstruction. Such studies are often used in muchzhin who have bladder stones, blood in the urine (hematuria) or frequent urinary tract infections. Intravenous contrast containing iodine, then held x-ray or CT scan, and using it, an image of the kidneys, kemie bladder, and ureters (the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder). Contrast agent helps to see the drainage system of the kidneys. If the patient has an allergic reaction to iodine, it needs special training in this research study or alternative without the use of iodine-containing contrast.
Also, your doctor may prescribe additional studies, which are sometimes used for the diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia: Uroflowmetry. In this study, urine flow is measured force and the amount thereof. kemie The patient urinates into a vessel mounted on a special device. By the time of the study does not take more than the normal urination. Table of results of this study for a long period of time helps to determine getting better or worse if the patient's condition. Normally, peak urine flow may decrease with age, but it also can also be regarded as a sign of a physician before adenoma
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