Valery V. Rodionov, Department II of the surgical department of the Ulyanovsk Regional Clinical Oncology Center, bar height table base Head of the Department of Oncology, Ulyanovsk State University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, 432017, Ulyanovsk, ul. September 12, 90,, +7 (8422) 32-39-05
Currently, the issues of nodal metastasis bar height table base and surgical intervention bar height table base on the areas of regional limfottoka in patients with breast cancer riveted attention of foreign and domestic oncologists. It is no coincidence, as it is associated with lymph node dissection the largest number of early and late postoperative complications, significantly degrade the quality of life of patients. Can I opt out of lymphadenectomy in patients with early breast cancer? bar height table base Based on a review of the most significant research clearly answer the question failed. Nevertheless, we would like to believe that the facts stated in the article made us think many oncologists over the existing problem.
Keywords: breast cancer, bar height table base lymphogenous metastasis, axillary lymph node dissection, lymph node biopsy signal. Lymph node dissection in early breast cancer patients: pros and cons (review)
Rodionov Valery, Head of Breast Cancer Department of Regional Clinical Oncology Center, Head of Oncology and Radiotherapy Department of Ulyanovsk State University, MD, Ph.D, 423017, 12-th September bar height table base str., 90, Ulyanovsk, e-mail: dr., +7 (8422) 32-39-05
Nowadays the problem of lymphatic metastasis and surgical treatment in regional lymph nodes area of breast cancer patients became the subject to attract attention of oncologist all over the world. The reason is that majority of early and late postoperative complications are significantly degrade the quality of patients life and associated with lymph node dissection. Whether lymph node dissection can be safety omitted in patients with early breast cancer bar height table base or not? Based on the review of the most important bar height table base research we can not find a clear answer on this question. However, we would like to believe that the facts stated in this article would thought-provoke many oncologists over the existing bar height table base problem.
Evidence-based surgery for breast cancer (BC) has its origins in 1895, when the world-famous English surgeon W. Halsted, bar height table base published a technique of radical mastectomy is the removal of a single block of the breast, the pectoralis major muscle, subclavian, axillary, bar height table base subscapularis fiber along with the lymph nodes [15]. The proposed level of surgery was not a random choice. W. Halsted is the author of "centrifugal" theory of breast cancer, based on the fact that the processes of metastasis undergo several successive stages. First, tumor cells from the primary tumor to lymph nodes fall of the I (axillary), then - in the lymph nodes of II order (subclavian), then - in the lymph nodes III order (supraclavicular) and then going on hematogenous dissemination bar height table base of the tumor. Thus, it is logical to assume that the classical radical mastectomy being performed in an adequate bar height table base amount in the I or II stage of metastasis can cure the patient with breast cancer. However, follow-up of patients showed that many of them subsequently developed distant metastases. This cast doubt on the correctness of this hypothesis.
In the second half of the 20th century, the famous American scientist bar height table base B. Fisher in the experiment showed that lymphogenous and hematogenous dissemination in breast cancer occur simultaneously. Therefore, metastases bar height table base to regional lymph nodes are not the stage of tumor development, and show the ability to acquire bar height table base tumor metastasis, and in fact are a marker of hematogenous tumor dissemination. All this allowed B. Fisher suggest that breast cancer at the stage of clinical manifestation is essentially a systemic disease, and a decrease in the volume of tissue removed does not affect the results of treatment, as patients generally do not die from local recurrence and distant metastases. With long-term follow-up (20-25 years) of patients after the spent "radical" treatment is determined that the cause of death in 70-85% of patients with operable breast cancer are the forms of distant metastasis of the tumor [2] .Thus, the era of organ-operations, which mainly consisted to limit the extent of surgical treatment for breast to sectoral resection, and then to a lumpectomy.
It so happens that the majority of oncologists took only a part of the concept B. Fisher, regarding the necessity of systemic adjuvant therapy and organ-admissibility of operations, while remaining on the positions of W. Halsted on the scope and level of removal of regional lymph nodes [3]. The main argument in favor of lymphadenectomy are: prevention of axillary recurrence and obtain bar height table base prognostic
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