I slowly translating articles from the site vegan dietitian veganhealth.org. Recently completed a translation of an article about the iron. As the problem of iron deficiency may be relevant for vegetarians how to load a dishwasher and vegans, it seemed how to load a dishwasher to me that someone in the community how to load a dishwasher can come in handy. Author: Jack Norris, a registered dietitian Translation: philadelphia_
If you think you have low iron levels, then these tips will help you to raise it because of greater consumption of foods rich in iron, and an increase in the digestibility how to load a dishwasher of iron from food: Avoid coffee, black or green tea during meals. Eat foods rich in vitamin C with meals. Eat more legumes (peanuts, beans, lentils, peas). Cook food, especially acidic foods with a high water content in the cast iron skillet.
If you suspect that you have iron deficiency anemia, you should consult a doctor. People who are diagnosed, may additionally how to load a dishwasher be eaten necessary dietary supplements.
Compared with a deficit how to load a dishwasher of other nutrients, iron deficiency is the most common among people living in the United States. There are two types of iron deficiency Iron deficiency (HD) - low iron levels. Typically, the level indicator is detected in the blood ferretina lower than 18 ng / ml (nanograms per milliliter). Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) - usually revealed a hemoglobin level lower than 120 g / l (grams per liter).
Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include pale skin, brittle nails, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath during physical exertion, lack of regulation of body temperature, loss of appetite, lethargy and loss of hair. Many of these symptoms can be caused by deficiency of other nutrients, so only a qualified doctor how to load a dishwasher can make a diagnosis of IDA. Usually the definition of iron levels with a blood test is inexpensive.
Some doctors believe in the existence of "latent (subclinical) iron deficiency", in which case a person has symptoms of train and IDA, despite the fact that the indicators of the level of iron in the blood are in the normal how to load a dishwasher range. According to the American National Academy of Sciences, "most of the data obtained by the experimental and epidemiological research involving human subjects, shows that the functional consequences of iron deficiency (related to anemia and iron concentration in the tissues) occur only when iron deficiency leads to measurable decrease in the level of hemoglobin "(1). However, other experts in the field of iron suggests that some people who have normal hemoglobin level higher than normal, may experience symptoms of iron deficiency anemia in spite of the fact that their hemoglobin levels are normal (probably how to load a dishwasher closer to the lower boundary).
Iron is found in a lot of herbal products, especially in legumes and cereals. how to load a dishwasher In fact, vegans consume as much or more iron than non-vegetarians. Table 1 shows the iron content in some vegetable products.
65% of the iron in meat is part of the heme (from hemoglobin or myoglobin), which is easily absorbed by the body. The remainder how to load a dishwasher of the iron in meat and all the iron in plant foods are non-heme iron (3). Non-heme how to load a dishwasher iron must be free of food components with hydrochloric acid and gastric digestive enzyme - pepsin (3). It is also necessary that the non-heme iron was transferred from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood stream using the protein transferrin.
Vitamin C helps the digestion of iron (for this, eat foods rich in vitamin how to load a dishwasher C along with iron-containing products). In one study, children in India are vegetarians with iron deficiency anemia (which may not use large amounts of vitamin C) took 100 mg of vitamin C during lunch and dinner for 60 days. As a result of their condition has improved significantly, and most children have iron deficiency anemia disappeared completely (2). Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, strawberries, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, kale, collards, chard, Brussels sprouts), bell peppers (yellow, how to load a dishwasher red and green), and cauliflower.
Calcium supplements, coffee, black and green tea inhibit the absorption of iron, if they are used in conjunction with products containing iron. Therefore it is best to avoid the use of the above products, if you want to improve the absorption of iron from consuming
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