Tsagareishvili GV, Yavich PA, Churadze LI The study of some technological and biopharmaceutical properties of the beads quiet-Ascanio containing iron salts or iodine cleaning dishwasher
Reviewers Register Log Urgent publication to publish your article on the publication of evidence now order a printed copy of the magazine requirements for the articles All magazine publishers Journal About Editorial cleaning dishwasher Contact Information Archive cleaning dishwasher Columns and languages publications Search Mobile Access Project Reviews
Tsagareishvili Guram Varlamovich 1 Yavich Pavel Abramovich 2 Churadze Louisa Ivanovna cleaning dishwasher March 1 Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Tbilisi Medical University, cleaning dishwasher Professor, Head. 2 Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory of the Tbilisi Medical University, Professor, Head. 3 Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory of the Tbilisi cleaning dishwasher Medical University, Researcher Abstract Annotatsiya.V paper describes some of the technological and biopharmaceutical cleaning dishwasher characteristics of granules "quiet-Ascanio," cleaning dishwasher is an association of clay minerals, cleaning dishwasher bentonite clay Askanskogo deposits containing iron salts or iodine. The values of bulk and volumetric mass; influence on the bulk density of the granules flow; Effect of the bulk density and fluidity at the angle of repose values resorption cancer and iodine cleaning dishwasher pellets methods of "breaking" the extraction and diffusion in an agar-agar gel
Tsagareishvili Guram Varlamovich cleaning dishwasher 1, Iavich Pavel Abramovich 2, Churadeze Luiza Ivanovna March 1 Institute of Pharmacochemestry, Tbilisi, Professor, laboratory Head 2 Institute of Pharmacochemestry, Tbilisi, Professor, laboratory Head 3 Institute of Pharmacochemestry, Tbilisi, Researcher Abstract Abstrakt.The cleaning dishwasher paper describes some of the technological and biopharmaceutical characteristics of granules of "tiha-askanae", which is the association of clay minerals of bentonite clay of Askan deposits, containing salts of iron or iodine.Are determined the values of bulk and volumetric mass, the influence of bulk mass of granules on their fluidity, the influence of bulk mass and fluidity quantities on the quantity of angle of nature slope, the values of resorption of iron and iodine from the granules by methods of "breaking" extraction and diffusion into agar-agar gel .
Bibliography link to the article: Tsagareishvili GV, Yavich PA, Churadze LI The study of some technological cleaning dishwasher and biopharmaceutical cleaning dishwasher properties of the beads quiet-Ascanio containing iron salts or iodine cleaning dishwasher // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2013. 9 [electronic resource]. URL: http://web.snauka.ru/issues/2013/09/25974 (date accessed: 01.08.2014).
Treatment of iron deficiency diseases cleaning dishwasher (IDA) can be regarded as one of the priorities for today. According to WHO they nablyudyutsya 5-20% of women of childbearing age, even in developed countries, they suffer up to 20% of children under 4 years. IDA is due to either a lack of iron salts in foods consumed in a particular region, or malabsorption of iron due to certain reasons [1,2].
To IDD include diseases, the pathogenesis of which is a small intake of iodine in the human body from the environment. This is mainly endemic goiter. Endemic iodine observed in most continental European countries. For example, in Germany the prevalence of endemic goiter in selected areas is 20-60% of the population. [3,4]. Nowadays there are a number of drugs for the treatment of the above diseases. A disadvantage of existing drugs is that they can cause irritation of the gastro-intestinal tract, particularly in individuals suffering from certain gastrointestinal diseases, so their assignment to treat simultaneous reception drugs capable obvalakivayut gastric cleaning dishwasher and intestinal mucosa and reduce razdrazhayushy effect. Drug "quiet-Ascanio," is an association of clay minerals bentonite clay Askanskogo field, is one of such tools [5,6]. Given this fact, the formulation was developed and the technology of preparation of granules "quiet-askanite" with different dispersion containing either iron sulphate or potassium salts in yodat.Soderzhanie granules were adjusted so that the patient at one time may be obtained from an average of 0,005 to 0.01 g of iron, or 50 micrograms. iodine [7-10] .. In order to activate the action to the granulation cleaning dishwasher mass added various organic acids. The particle size data obtained compositions are given in Table 1.
In the experiments to study the impact of fractional composition of granules and bulk volumetric mass; influence on the bulk density of the granules flow; The effect of the bulk mass and strength cleaning dishwasher on the angle of repose. Table 2 presents data on the dependence of the values of the bulk and bulk mass size distribution.
Bulk density, characteristic depends mainly
Reviewers Register Log Urgent publication to publish your article on the publication of evidence now order a printed copy of the magazine requirements for the articles All magazine publishers Journal About Editorial cleaning dishwasher Contact Information Archive cleaning dishwasher Columns and languages publications Search Mobile Access Project Reviews
Tsagareishvili Guram Varlamovich 1 Yavich Pavel Abramovich 2 Churadze Louisa Ivanovna cleaning dishwasher March 1 Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Tbilisi Medical University, cleaning dishwasher Professor, Head. 2 Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory of the Tbilisi Medical University, Professor, Head. 3 Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory of the Tbilisi cleaning dishwasher Medical University, Researcher Abstract Annotatsiya.V paper describes some of the technological and biopharmaceutical cleaning dishwasher characteristics of granules "quiet-Ascanio," cleaning dishwasher is an association of clay minerals, cleaning dishwasher bentonite clay Askanskogo deposits containing iron salts or iodine. The values of bulk and volumetric mass; influence on the bulk density of the granules flow; Effect of the bulk density and fluidity at the angle of repose values resorption cancer and iodine cleaning dishwasher pellets methods of "breaking" the extraction and diffusion in an agar-agar gel
Tsagareishvili Guram Varlamovich cleaning dishwasher 1, Iavich Pavel Abramovich 2, Churadeze Luiza Ivanovna March 1 Institute of Pharmacochemestry, Tbilisi, Professor, laboratory Head 2 Institute of Pharmacochemestry, Tbilisi, Professor, laboratory Head 3 Institute of Pharmacochemestry, Tbilisi, Researcher Abstract Abstrakt.The cleaning dishwasher paper describes some of the technological and biopharmaceutical characteristics of granules of "tiha-askanae", which is the association of clay minerals of bentonite clay of Askan deposits, containing salts of iron or iodine.Are determined the values of bulk and volumetric mass, the influence of bulk mass of granules on their fluidity, the influence of bulk mass and fluidity quantities on the quantity of angle of nature slope, the values of resorption of iron and iodine from the granules by methods of "breaking" extraction and diffusion into agar-agar gel .
Bibliography link to the article: Tsagareishvili GV, Yavich PA, Churadze LI The study of some technological cleaning dishwasher and biopharmaceutical cleaning dishwasher properties of the beads quiet-Ascanio containing iron salts or iodine cleaning dishwasher // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2013. 9 [electronic resource]. URL: http://web.snauka.ru/issues/2013/09/25974 (date accessed: 01.08.2014).
Treatment of iron deficiency diseases cleaning dishwasher (IDA) can be regarded as one of the priorities for today. According to WHO they nablyudyutsya 5-20% of women of childbearing age, even in developed countries, they suffer up to 20% of children under 4 years. IDA is due to either a lack of iron salts in foods consumed in a particular region, or malabsorption of iron due to certain reasons [1,2].
To IDD include diseases, the pathogenesis of which is a small intake of iodine in the human body from the environment. This is mainly endemic goiter. Endemic iodine observed in most continental European countries. For example, in Germany the prevalence of endemic goiter in selected areas is 20-60% of the population. [3,4]. Nowadays there are a number of drugs for the treatment of the above diseases. A disadvantage of existing drugs is that they can cause irritation of the gastro-intestinal tract, particularly in individuals suffering from certain gastrointestinal diseases, so their assignment to treat simultaneous reception drugs capable obvalakivayut gastric cleaning dishwasher and intestinal mucosa and reduce razdrazhayushy effect. Drug "quiet-Ascanio," is an association of clay minerals bentonite clay Askanskogo field, is one of such tools [5,6]. Given this fact, the formulation was developed and the technology of preparation of granules "quiet-askanite" with different dispersion containing either iron sulphate or potassium salts in yodat.Soderzhanie granules were adjusted so that the patient at one time may be obtained from an average of 0,005 to 0.01 g of iron, or 50 micrograms. iodine [7-10] .. In order to activate the action to the granulation cleaning dishwasher mass added various organic acids. The particle size data obtained compositions are given in Table 1.
In the experiments to study the impact of fractional composition of granules and bulk volumetric mass; influence on the bulk density of the granules flow; The effect of the bulk mass and strength cleaning dishwasher on the angle of repose. Table 2 presents data on the dependence of the values of the bulk and bulk mass size distribution.
Bulk density, characteristic depends mainly
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