Research Institute of Oncology, Department of Surgery and Oncology, with courses of oncology and pathological anatomy IPO, Central Research Laboratory, Department of Histology and Embryology, Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa
Ghanaians Shamil corian keukenblad Khanafievich Head of the Department of Surgery and Oncology, with courses of oncology and pathological anatomy IPO Bashkir State Medical University, director corian keukenblad of the Clinic of Oncology, MD, professor, corresponding corian keukenblad member of kor.AN RB, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, tel . (Office.): +7 (347) 2484058
The article presents the results of an investigation - depending on the survival of patients with breast cancer (BC) stage IIIb from power neolimfoangiogeneza. The results show that the higher the degree neolimfoangiogeneza in the pool "sentinel" lymph node, the more pronounced local compensatory protective reaction of the body at the level of lymphangion corian keukenblad affecting the life expectancy of patients with breast cancer.
Scientific Research Institute of Oncology, Surgery and Oncology Chair with Oncology and Pathoanatomy courses of Further Professional Education, Central Scientific Research Laboratory, Histology and Embryology Chair, Bashkir State University of Medicine, Ufa, Russia
Gantsev Shamil Hanafievich, Head of Surgery and Oncology Chair with Oncology and Pathoanatomy courses of Further Professional Education, of Bashkir State University of Medicine, corian keukenblad Chief of Oncology Clinic, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences corian keukenblad of the Republic of Bashkortostan , Honoured Science Worker of Russia,, contact phone: +7 (347) 2484058
The research results of survivance dependence of IIIb stage breast cancer patients on the rate of neo-lymphatic angiogenesis are represented in the article. The higher the rate of neo-lymphatic angiogenesis in the system corian keukenblad of sentinel gland, corian keukenblad the more local organism compensation abilities influencing breast cancer patients' survivance are expressed.
Attracted the attention of many specialists nodal metastasis problem malignancies. Numerous studies have shown that the development of cancer changes the structure of the channel limfotsirkulyatornogo characterized neolimfoangiogeneza process and changes corian keukenblad in the permeability of lymphatic vessels [1, 3, 5]. For the detection of newly formed lymph vessels used immunohistochemical method [3] and the method of allocation of the lymphatic vessels by sonolipodestruktsii fat tissue under examination [2].
According to numerous studies, the authors report that the density of the newly formed lymphatic vessels correlates with the duration of life of patients, and lymphatic metastasis in these malignancies, melanoma, breast cancer, endometrial, colon, lung, prostate, ovary, pancreas, corian keukenblad as well as cancer the head and neck [5].
Several authors have noted that the newly formed lymphatic vessels contribute to the development of the tumor and its further metastasis [5]. Some authors have noted that the metastasis of malignant tumors in the newly formed corian keukenblad lymphatic vessels is not possible, since the growth corian keukenblad of the tumor increases the hydrostatic pressure, and lymphatic vessels spazmiruyutsya [5]. Previously, it was found that the growth factor lymphatics has prognostic value in cancer of the cervix, ovary, breast and gastrointestinal tract. C increase in the degree neolimfoangiogeneza increased risk of metastasis of malignant tumors [5]. Question metastatic spread of malignant neoplasms in the newly formed lymphatic vessels remains a subject of debate. Nevertheless noted that the lymphatic vessels associated with the tumor may be important in the metastasis of malignant neoplasms and in the outcome of the disease [5]. Understanding the impact corian keukenblad of the fact neolimfoangiogeneza metastasis may identify corian keukenblad new therapeutic targets for limiting the spread of cancer. Meaning neolimfoangiogeneza metastasis of malignant tumors remains controversial. In this regard, relevant and little studied the question corian keukenblad remains relationship amount of newly formed corian keukenblad lymphatic vessels (neolimfoangiogeneza) and the length of life of cancer patients.
Objects of the present study were limfonodulyarnye complexes tissue axillary area taken from 25 females, during surgery for breast cancer corian keukenblad stage IIIb (study group). For a comparative analysis was promoted fence limfonodulyarnogo complex tissues axillary region autopsy in forensic medical examination of Ufa from 10 female corpses cause of death, which is not cancer (control group).
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