Sataev MS, Koshkarbayev Sh.T., Aueshov AP Anodic behavior of iron-phosphorus alloys
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Sataev Malik Syvambaevich 1 Koshkarbayev Shaizada Turtaevna 2 Aueshov Abdrazakov Pernebaevich March 1 South Kazakhstan State University. M.Auezov, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic coloured kitchen knives Substances 2 South Kazakhstan State University. M.Auezov, Ph.D., assistant coloured kitchen knives professor of chemical technology of inorganic substances 3 South Kazakhstan State University. M.Auezov, Ph.D., head of the laboratory, "Physico-chemical methods of investigation" coloured kitchen knives Abstract A comparative analysis of the anodic behavior of iron and iron-phosphorus alloys in various aqueous environments. It was found that in the areas of the capabilities coloured kitchen knives of the active dissolution of iron-phosphorus potentials iron alloys do not differ from the potentials of iron. In the passive state of iron phosphorus impact becomes more noticeable. This is due to the difference in composition of the films formed on pure iron and iron-phosphorus alloys. Shows the composition coloured kitchen knives of the products of electrolysis at different modes of dissolution.
Satayev Malik Syvambaevich 1, Koshkarbayeva Shayzada Turtaevna 2, Aueshov Abdrazakh Pernebaevich March 1 M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor of Departament coloured kitchen knives "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" 2 M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, PhD of Chemical Science, Docent Departament "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" 3 M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory Abstract A comparative analysis of the anodic behavior of iron and iron-phosphorus alloys in different coloured kitchen knives aquatic environments . We found that in areas related potentials active dissolution of iron, the potentials of iron-phosphorus alloy differ little from the potentials of iron. In the passive state of iron effect of phosphorus becomes more prominent. This is due to the difference in composition of the membrane formed on pure iron and iron-phosphorus alloys. A composition coloured kitchen knives of the products of electrolysis at different modes dissolution.
Bibliography link to the article: Sataev MS, Koshkarbayev Sh.T., coloured kitchen knives Aueshov AP Anodic behavior of iron-phosphorus alloys // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2013. 8 [electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed: 04.08.2014).
Iron-phosphorus alloys coloured kitchen knives consist of iron phosphides and phosphorus in solid solution iron. In industry, a well-known product is ferrophos (Technical iron phosphide) is used as a deoxidizer in the steel industry. In a rather significant quantities it is formed and the electrothermal production of yellow phosphorus. But the use of ferrophosphorus as a deoxidizer coloured kitchen knives met considerable difficulties because of the high content of silicon and other impurities, but also of the inconstancy of composition. Therefore coloured kitchen knives proposed a number of its processing technology for various phosphates, coloured kitchen knives among which there are electrochemical methods [1-3].
Its physical and chemical properties ferrophos refers to a group of substances, defined the concept of "hard metals". coloured kitchen knives This substance metallic coloured kitchen knives nature, with high hardness, high melting point, high heat - and conductivity as well as good resistance to chemical attack [2,7].
In order to study the electrochemical behavior of phosphides were used alloys obtained by ampoule made of extremely pure metal powders and red phosphorus by using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Metallfosfornye investigated alloys coloured kitchen knives (S = 5 mm 2) were carried out in the form of a disk electrode and inserted into the PVC pipe. The use of this isolation eliminates input insulating cements, which can cause contamination of the electrolyte. Current was fed to the anode through soldered to a copper wire ferrophos disk. Anode before each experiment carefully sanded increasing numbers purified mixture Eshka, coloured kitchen knives pickled with 5% sulfuric acid solution, washed several times with the distillate.
Current-voltage measurements were carried coloured kitchen knives out at 25 C in the potentiodynamic mode potentiostat PI 50-1.1. Potential sweep rate was 0.01 mV / s. Electrolyzer in potentsioinamicheskih studies served as a three-electrode glass cell. The auxiliary electrode is a platinum plate was used with surface 0,4 10 -3 m 2. Reference electrode
Reviewers Register Log Urgent publication to publish your article on the publication of evidence now order a printed copy of the magazine requirements for the articles All magazine publishers Journal About Editorial Contact Information Archive Columns and languages publications Search Mobile Access Project Reviews
Sataev Malik Syvambaevich 1 Koshkarbayev Shaizada Turtaevna 2 Aueshov Abdrazakov Pernebaevich March 1 South Kazakhstan State University. M.Auezov, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic coloured kitchen knives Substances 2 South Kazakhstan State University. M.Auezov, Ph.D., assistant coloured kitchen knives professor of chemical technology of inorganic substances 3 South Kazakhstan State University. M.Auezov, Ph.D., head of the laboratory, "Physico-chemical methods of investigation" coloured kitchen knives Abstract A comparative analysis of the anodic behavior of iron and iron-phosphorus alloys in various aqueous environments. It was found that in the areas of the capabilities coloured kitchen knives of the active dissolution of iron-phosphorus potentials iron alloys do not differ from the potentials of iron. In the passive state of iron phosphorus impact becomes more noticeable. This is due to the difference in composition of the films formed on pure iron and iron-phosphorus alloys. Shows the composition coloured kitchen knives of the products of electrolysis at different modes of dissolution.
Satayev Malik Syvambaevich 1, Koshkarbayeva Shayzada Turtaevna 2, Aueshov Abdrazakh Pernebaevich March 1 M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor of Departament coloured kitchen knives "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" 2 M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, PhD of Chemical Science, Docent Departament "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" 3 M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory Abstract A comparative analysis of the anodic behavior of iron and iron-phosphorus alloys in different coloured kitchen knives aquatic environments . We found that in areas related potentials active dissolution of iron, the potentials of iron-phosphorus alloy differ little from the potentials of iron. In the passive state of iron effect of phosphorus becomes more prominent. This is due to the difference in composition of the membrane formed on pure iron and iron-phosphorus alloys. A composition coloured kitchen knives of the products of electrolysis at different modes dissolution.
Bibliography link to the article: Sataev MS, Koshkarbayev Sh.T., coloured kitchen knives Aueshov AP Anodic behavior of iron-phosphorus alloys // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2013. 8 [electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed: 04.08.2014).
Iron-phosphorus alloys coloured kitchen knives consist of iron phosphides and phosphorus in solid solution iron. In industry, a well-known product is ferrophos (Technical iron phosphide) is used as a deoxidizer in the steel industry. In a rather significant quantities it is formed and the electrothermal production of yellow phosphorus. But the use of ferrophosphorus as a deoxidizer coloured kitchen knives met considerable difficulties because of the high content of silicon and other impurities, but also of the inconstancy of composition. Therefore coloured kitchen knives proposed a number of its processing technology for various phosphates, coloured kitchen knives among which there are electrochemical methods [1-3].
Its physical and chemical properties ferrophos refers to a group of substances, defined the concept of "hard metals". coloured kitchen knives This substance metallic coloured kitchen knives nature, with high hardness, high melting point, high heat - and conductivity as well as good resistance to chemical attack [2,7].
In order to study the electrochemical behavior of phosphides were used alloys obtained by ampoule made of extremely pure metal powders and red phosphorus by using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Metallfosfornye investigated alloys coloured kitchen knives (S = 5 mm 2) were carried out in the form of a disk electrode and inserted into the PVC pipe. The use of this isolation eliminates input insulating cements, which can cause contamination of the electrolyte. Current was fed to the anode through soldered to a copper wire ferrophos disk. Anode before each experiment carefully sanded increasing numbers purified mixture Eshka, coloured kitchen knives pickled with 5% sulfuric acid solution, washed several times with the distillate.
Current-voltage measurements were carried coloured kitchen knives out at 25 C in the potentiodynamic mode potentiostat PI 50-1.1. Potential sweep rate was 0.01 mV / s. Electrolyzer in potentsioinamicheskih studies served as a three-electrode glass cell. The auxiliary electrode is a platinum plate was used with surface 0,4 10 -3 m 2. Reference electrode
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