On the example of 72 patients aged 16 to 70 years who have applied to the reception of mammalogy with complaints of discharge high and dry dish rack from the nipples of the mammary glands, studied bacterial and cellular composition of the contents of the ducts to determine the significance of the influence on the content of ductal high and dry dish rack proliferation processes in them. In 88% of women with breasts high and dry dish rack setserniruyuschimi identified bacterial flora. In 12% of the microbial component high and dry dish rack contents duct is detected. In 62.5% of cases, occurs staphylococcal microflora. In second place, on the occurrence, was identified intestinal flora, which amounted to 8.4%. Next, in descending order, candidiasis (5%) and streptococcal flora in 2.8% of cases.
On the example of the 72 patients in the age from 16 to 70 years, applied to the reception mammologi with complaints on the allocation high and dry dish rack of breast milk glands, studies of bacterial and cellular composition of the contents of the ducts with a view to determine the significance of the impact of the contents of the ducts on the processes of proliferation in them. In 88% of women with secernire mammary glands found the bacterial flora. In 12% of the microbial component in the content of the channels were found. In 62.5% of cases, occurs staphylococcal flora. In the second place, on the occurrence, was found intestinal flora, which amounted to 8.4%. Further, in decreasing order, candidiasis (5%) and strep microflora in 2.8% of cases.
Establishing a hormonal influence on the appearance of pathological secretion resulted in the diversion of attention from clinicians bacterial component and the appearance of chronic processes in the ducts of the mammary glands. It was established that the incurable cases of mastitis or frequent high and dry dish rack relapses of the disease were often associated with uncured suppurative inflammation in the ducts of the mammary glands [3].
Muddy, thick discharge from the nipple itself does not usually contain pus and thickened cellular debris resulting from the expansion of (ectasia) excretory ducts [7]. However, we are increasingly faced with the bacterial infection ducts, staph and strep highlighting the flora in the study of secretion of the mammary glands high and dry dish rack in suspected galaktoforit [5]. The role of viral infection in the pathology of breast cancer, especially infections, sexually transmitted diseases [1].
It should be emphasized, however, that the large duct ectasia often simulates the cancer process in the mammary gland. In this case, cytology discharge from the nipple shows protein structureless mass, sometimes with drops of fat and calves type colostric. Contents of the cellular elements with predominance of lymphocytes and macrophages, plasma cells. When purulent inflammation increases the number of segmented leukocytes, fibroblasts, and can be detected in a small number of epithelial high and dry dish rack cells [2].
On the example of 72 patients aged 16 to 70 years who have turned to mammologu complaining of discharge from the nipples, we conducted a study of bacterial and cellular composition of the contents of the ducts to determine the significance of the influence on the content of ductal proliferation processes in them.
For cytological analysis discharge from the nipple breast study was conducted according to the standard procedure: coloring smears using dyes - hematoxylin and eosin (Romanowsky-Giemsa), high and dry dish rack followed by light microscopy at a magnification high and dry dish rack of 10-40-90 times. high and dry dish rack
To study the bacteriological composition ductal separated material collection was performed after treatment of breast nipple 75% ethyl alcohol on a sterile nutrient medium. From these samples of the biological material was carried out on quantitative crop dense nutrient medium (5% sheep blood agar, lactic vitelline-salt agar, the medium Endo) as well as the accumulation of liquid medium (medium for sterility testing, diabetes broth). By conventional microbiological methods performed high and dry dish rack the isolation of pure cultures of bacteria, their genus and species identification.
Variety of macroscopic picture requires a combination of some characteristics for ease of use in practice: Colorless liquid - clear mucoid, zamazkopodobnye - thick, thick muddy murky gray-green - purulent liquid pink, red, brown and black - bleeding, hemorrhagic Liquid transparent, yellow, amber - serous, sukrovichnye Liquid, high and dry dish rack thick white - colostric Mixed options - krovjanisto-colostric, purulent bloody, mucoid brown, dirty green zamazkopodobnye, yellow cheesy, etc.
The variety of morphological pattern under certain macroscopic characteristics of ductal discharge does not allow one to determine high and dry dish rack the status of ductal epithelium. However, at the prevailing symptoms, to allocate specific to a particular process morphological variants.
Serous discharge, at the macroscopic transparency contain psevdomolozivnye calf plasma cells, proliferating epi
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