Monday, September 15, 2014

Research stainless steel dish drainer methods in traumatology and orthopedics Back: http://healthy-

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Research stainless steel dish drainer methods in traumatology and orthopedics Back: 869.html to content: 626.html indicators of iron metabolism in serum iron . The total content stainless steel dish drainer of iron in the body of a "standard" human is about 4.2 g Approximately 75-80% of the total amount included in the hemoglobin-2O are reserved 25%, 5-10% consists of the myoglobin stainless steel dish drainer contains about 1% respiratory enzymes, which catalyze the processes of respiration in cells and tissues [Tvorogova MG, Titov VN, 1993]. Normal values of serum iron are given in Table. 48 Table 48 The iron content stainless steel dish drainer in the blood serum of normal (by W. Tietz, 1986) Age iron content, mmol / l Newborns 17,90-44,75 Children under 2 years 7,16-17,90 Children stainless steel dish drainer older than 2 years 8,95-21,48 Adult men 8,95-28,64 women 7,16-26,85 Iron exerts its biological function primarily as part of other biologically active compounds, especially enzymes. Iron enzymes perform four basic functions: stainless steel dish drainer - electron transport (cytochromes zhelezoseroproteidy); - Transport and deposition of oxygen stainless steel dish drainer (hemoglobin, myoglobin); - Participation in the formation of active centers of redox enzymes (oxidase, hydroxylase, SOD, etc..) - Transport and deposition of iron (transferrin, hemosiderin, ferritin). Hemostatic system of vascular-platelet (primary) stainless steel dish drainer hemostasis. Platelet aggregation with ADP in the blood plasma. Results of the study platelet aggregation can be expressed as a percentage (Table. 49). Table 49 Platelet stainless steel dish drainer aggregation by ADP Weiss for normal concentration of ADP, umol / L aggregation,% 10 77.7 5 66.1 2 47.5 1 30.7 Determination of platelet aggregation with different inducers of aggregation plays a crucial role in the differential diagnosis trombotsitopaty (Table. 50). Table 50 Disorders of platelet aggregation in various diseases View thrombocytopathia Stimulator aggregation and aggregation violation ADP Collagen Adrenaline ristocetin primary wave secondary wave trombastenii Report Report Report Report Norma Essential atrombiya Same Same Same Same Same aspirin-like defect Norma Same Same However, Bernard-Soulier syndrome Same Norm Same Wiskott-Aldrich Report Violation Report Violation Same von Willebrand disease Normal Normal Normal Normal Reduced (violation) Note: - diagnostic irrelevant. Surgical, complicated by bleeding, disturbances in the vascular trombotsitarnopo hemostasis in most cases are not due to a violation of aggregation and other functional properties of platelets and the presence of thrombocytopenia stainless steel dish drainer one degree or another. Plasma (coagulation) hemostasis. Activated partial thromboplastin time. Normal levels of APTT - 25-35 s. APTT - one of the most valuable common test to get an idea of the blood clotting system. APTT - test that detects only plasma activation system defects inside the X Factor in the first (the formation of prothrombinase) phase of blood coagulation. Lengthening of APTT reflects deficiency of plasma factors (except VII and XIII) and observed in their strong (below 25-10%) reduction [Barkagan 3.C., 1988]. Lengthening of APTT indicates the predominance of anticoagulation. Table. 51 shows the combined stainless steel dish drainer testimony of basic coagulation tests with a deficit of various coagulation stainless steel dish drainer factors, and the action of anticoagulants. Table 51 Indications basic coagulation tests with a deficit stainless steel dish drainer of various blood clotting factors coagulation stainless steel dish drainer factors, anticoagulant APTT Slow coagulation test Prothrombin Thrombin test XII + - - XI + - - prekallekrein + - - HMW kininogen + - - IX + - - VIII + - - Factor Often Willebrand + - - VII - + - V + + - X + + - II + + - I + + + XIII - - - Heparin + + + + + Coumarins - Shortening APTT indicates the predominance of hypercoagulable and noted in the first (hypercoagulable) phase of acute disseminated intravascular stainless steel dish drainer coagulation. Evaluation of the second stainless steel dish drainer phase of plasma hemostasis - formation of thrombin. Prothrombin time. Prothrombin time adult rate - 11-15 s., Baby - 13-18 s. Prothrombin time characterizes the first (protrombinoobrazovanie) and second (trombinoobrazovanie) phase plasma hemostasis and reflects the activity stainless steel dish drainer of the prothrombin complex (factors VII, V, X and about proper

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