Wednesday, September 24, 2014

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English rhinosoft (en) English rhinosoft (en) English (en) Russian (ru) Russian rhinosoft (ru) Ukraїnska (uk) Ukraїnska (uk) Français (fr) Français (fr) Português (pt) Português (pt) español (es) español ( es) Deutsch (de) Deutsch (de) Italiano (it) Italiano (it) Belaruskaya (be) Belaruskaya (be)
Research methods in traumatology and orthopedics Next: 869.html Back: 722.html to content: http: // healthy 626.html 3apah. Putrid - with insufficient gastric digestion, putrefactive dyspepsia, colitis, constipation, bowel movement disorders; fetid - in violation of pancreatic secretion, the absence of the flow of bile, increased secretory function of the colon; weak - at insufficiency of digestion in the colon, rhinosoft constipation, rapid evacuation of the small intestine; blurred - colitis with ulceration; sour - when fermentation dyspepsia; butyric acid - in the accelerated evacuation of the colon. (I am now wondering - someone really smelling it? And if not, then what for writing such diagnostic features? Also, no mention of the accompanying nutrition - HB) reaction. Weakly basic - with insufficient digestion in the small intestine; basic - with insufficient gastric digestion, inappropriate secretion of pancreatic cancer, colitis, rhinosoft constipation, colitis with ulcerations, increased secretory function of the colon, constipation; rezkoosnovnaya - when putrefactive dyspepsia; rezkokislaya - when fermentation dyspepsia. Stercobilin. Content decreases with parenchymatous rhinosoft hepatitis, cholangitis; increases - in hemolytic anemia. Bilirubin. Appears when enhanced motility and accelerated evacuation of the bowel, with long-term use of antibiotics and sulfa drugs (suppression of the microbiota of the intestine - at dysbacterioses). Soluble protein. Determined by putrefactive dyspepsia, colitis with ulcerations, increased secretory function of the colon, bleeding, inflammatory processes. Muscle fibers. Detected primarily in the failure of gastric digestion, inappropriate secretion of the pancreas and malabsorption in the intestines. The presence of muscle fibers in the stool accompanied rhinosoft by a picture of putrid dyspepsia. Connective tissue. Present at the failure of gastric digestion and functional pancreatic insufficiency. Neutral fat. Detected mainly in the failure of the secretory function of the pancreas, and not other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Fatty acid. Detect the absence of receipt rhinosoft of bile insufficiency of digestion rhinosoft in the small intestine, accelerated evacuation of the small intestine, fermentation dyspepsia, with insufficient pancreatic rhinosoft secretion and rapid evacuation of the colon. Soaps. Present in feces in excess for all the states listed above for fatty acids, but with a tendency to constipation. Starch. rhinosoft Determined at inappropriate secretion of the pancreas insufficiency digestion in the small intestine, fermentation dyspepsia, fast evacuation of bowel, failure of gastric digestion. Yodofilnye microorganisms. Discover with insufficient digestion in the small intestine, rapid evacuation of the colon, fermentation dyspepsia, inappropriate secretion of the pancreas. Fiber digestibility. Revealed by failure of gastric digestion, putrefactive dyspepsia, lack of flow of bile, lack of digestion in the small intestine, rapid evacuation of the colon, fermentation dyspepsia, when there is insufficient secretion of pancreatic cancer, colitis with ulcerations. Mucus. Determine colitis constipation, ulcerations, with fermentation and putrefactive dyspepsia, increased secretory function of the colon, there is constipation. Erythrocytes. Revealed colitis with ulceration, dysentery, hemorrhoids, polyps, rectal fissures. Blood "hidden" - in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, malignant diseases of the stomach and intestines. Leukocytes. Discover colitis with ulcerations. Appearance in the feces of leukocytes during paraintestinalnom abscess indicates his breakthrough rhinosoft into the intestine in the presence of a tumor - on its decay. Crystals of calcium oxalate. Accumulate with insufficient gastric digestion. Charcot-Leyden crystals. Amoebic dysentery detected rhinosoft by contact with feces and eosinophilic granulocytes (allergy, helminthiasis). Hemosiderin rhinosoft crystals. Detected after intestinal bleeding. Helminth eggs. Normally, helminth rhinosoft eggs in the feces did not reveal. In the presence of helminth rhinosoft eggs in their morphological features can be installed and the type of infestation of worms. For a single study, the percentage of normal detection of eggs in feces gelmintonositeley Hellmich

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