Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Data concerning thyroid body lymphocytic restaurant table bases infiltration are represented in the

In the electronic paper presents data on lymphocytic infiltration of thyroid cancer. On the basis of clinical and morphological comparisons established protective role of lymphocytic infiltration in relation to the syndrome of thyrotoxicosis in the early stages of thyroid restaurant table bases cancer.
Keywords: thyroid cancer, lymphocytic infiltration, the syndrome of thyrotoxicosis, the clinical and morphological comparisons, a protective factor. Lymphocytic infiltration as a protective factor with reference restaurant table bases to thyroid body cancer capacity
Data concerning thyroid body lymphocytic restaurant table bases infiltration are represented in the article. The protective role of lymphocytic infiltration with reference to thyrotocsicosis syndrome in early stages is revealed on the bases of clinicopahtologic contrasts.
Clinical manifestations of thyroid cancer (TC) in the initial stages of its development, restaurant table bases as a rule - are insignificant [Hands KE, et al., 2010]. Differentiated thyroid cancer can be a long time did not differ in clinical presentation of nodular goiter [Drut R., Moreno A., 2009; Abboud B., et al. 2010], which is well-known difficulties in the early diagnosis of thyroid cancer. In classical textbooks [Bomash NY, 1981; Khmelnitsky, OK, 2002; Rosai J., at al. 1992] describes the metastases expressed at a relatively small size of the primary restaurant table bases lesion in the late stages of thyroid cancer. As you know, microcarcinoma may lifelong not give any clinical manifestations and be random findings at autopsy on the other pathology [Abboud B. et al., 2010].
From the above, it is logical to assume the existence of some protective mechanisms that inhibit restaurant table bases the clinical manifestations of thyroid cancer. The study of this issue, it is of interest both in terms of early diagnosis, and - search for approaches to cancer therapy.
Of great interest is the further study of the interactions of the tumor and the immune system, which manifests itself, inter alia, through and lymphocytic infiltration (LI) tumor and surrounding tissue. When evaluating whether the thyroid gland (TG) is important to consider that, along with the lens, brain, testes, that authority is "Behind a barrier" [Khmelnitsky restaurant table bases OK, 2002], and in the response of the organism to the development of tumors in the thyroid possible specificity. Thus, according to the clonal selection theory Burnett in violation of immunological tolerance in autoimmune reactions involved certain restaurant table bases subpopulations of lymphocytes restaurant table bases [Volpe R., 1990]. However, in the light-optical level research is not possible to determine the proportion of their participation [Khmelnitsky OK, 2002].
In general restaurant table bases - the question of the pathogenetic significance of LI against thyroid cancer remains controversial. What is a DO with thyroid cancer: a defense mechanism against pathogenic effects of tumors, improves the prognosis, or - a sign of organ damage and negative dynamics of the process? restaurant table bases
Data are available as to increase the survival rate of patients with advanced thyroid cancer when Lee [Filipović A., et al., 2010; Gupta S., et al. 2001], and the absence of this connection [Nemetz et al., 2010; Rio et al.2008]. In some studies, intensive restaurant table bases LEE seen as a sign of worsening prognosis of thyroid cancer [French JD et al., 2010] or a possible malignancy [Dabelić N. et al. , 2010; Gul K. et al. ,, 2010]. And even it is believed that intense LEE promotes distant metastases restaurant table bases of thyroid cancer [Spriano restaurant table bases G. et al., 2009; Matesa-Anić D. et al., 2009].
The study included 236 patients with thyroid gland pathology aged 44,7 11,6 years. Of these, 138 were women (58.5%) males - 98 (41.5%). Older than 45 years was 149 (63.1%), younger than 45 years old - 73 (36.9%).
As a comparison restaurant table bases group used survey data 12 healthy subjects without thyroid pathology. As a control group for the evaluation or use data histological examination of autopsy material 11 deceased persons without thyroid pathology.
Staging of thyroid restaurant table bases cancer was made by clinical prognostic classification, taking into account the patient's age [UICC, 2002]. Clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism was evaluated using questionnaires on Mirhodzhaevoy in points [Op. by GS Zefirova, 1999]. Hormone levels in the blood was determined by enzyme immunoassay analyzer Multiscan Plus Labsistems by enzyme-linked immunosorbent restaurant table bases assay (ELISA) using reagents of CJSC "Alcor Bio" (Russia).
To work used morphometric grid Avtandilov GG (1990). Quantitative evaluation of thyroid LEE performed using our developed restaurant table bases methodology restaurant table bases and criteria [Gabbassov AR, MG Davidovich, 2009].
Lee is the obligatory diagnostic criterion according to AIT, clinical guidelines of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists 2002 [Kasatkina EP et al., 2002], and really - studies have shown (Table 1), which is most pronounced LEE was at AIT and diffuse toxic goiter (Graves' disease), and was 89 9%, which corresponds to 4 degrees, developed by us, the scale. Step AIT while not statistically

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