Saturday, August 2, 2014

Michel has been making French maritime expert stainless table association, RTL radio said that the

In 2013. 20 September. 16:27
According to the Lithuanian Sea Museum historian Dainius Elert, wrecks stainless table from disaster sites are generally stainless table so far been brought to the security, stainless table ecology, commercial purposes or finding treasures. At that time, the Costa Concordia case the main reason - is very different.
One of the world's largest cruise ship ran aground near the island of Džiljo a half years ago. The quake killed 32 people. The captain, who is believed to be on board before the end of the evacuation of passengers, is currently on trial. The same operation not only revived memories of Italian, but searches - two passengers were not found until now.
The penultimate week of September, the Costa Concordia siren is activated for the first time since last January 13. tragedy - its roar was accompanied by applause. Almost 300 meters long and 114 thousand. GT ship is longer than the famous "Titanic" and more than doubled for its heavier rouse after a long snooze.
Lying on the side of the ship was converted into a vertical position 36 huge ropes attached to the side of an 11-storey building is equivalent pontoon filled with water to act as a counterweight. Vertical buoys, platforms, hydraulic lifts ... The fear that by turning the ship and its airborne rocks, it can happen ... but the result stainless table is - a success, by the way, the funds from the insurers stainless table covered the operation and its basis - engineering structure by the Italian press sometimes compares to Leonardo da Vinci inventions.
How soon after a nearly day-long operation, said the U.S. and Italian engineer Franco team worked stainless table Porcellacchia, everything was perfect, "The trick is as good as we expected. And looking from the environmental perspective, I can say that there is no impact on the environment is not. " stainless table
Possible damage to the environment stainless table - one of the major reasons why it is necessary to move the ship in general. RTL Radio in Italy Dive Fellow Lapėnaitė says that the ship sank in a special place to Džiljo Islands, which is one of the largest nature reserves in the Mediterranean. On board, according to D. Lapenaitė is an endless variety of things that can turn into poison. She points out that the ship sailed more than 4 thousand. people, stainless table and had a cruise last week.
"It was a waste of food, beverages and a variety of chemicals (eg, cleaning, stainless table soap, shampoo), cutlery. As well as furniture, appliances, which turned into debris. Some, of course, poured into the sea. But the rest stayed on board and, if it is left where it is eventually transformed into an ecological bomb that irreparably contaminated Reserve "- tells the radio contributor.
Michel has been making French maritime expert stainless table association, RTL radio said that the technology itself is not new, but new is that this time the operation - challenging than ever. According to him, the same lifting technology really old, known since Roman times and earlier. Since then it has been used to raise ships and vessels in the bottom of the wash.
"We can also remember that in our era, in 1946., After Pearl Harbor was bombed, stainless table the Americans stainless table used the same technology to bring the war ships and aircraft carriers. In this case the situation is more complicated, because the ship lay on the rocks and slowly advanced into the bottom of the sea "- recalls Mr Dejo. So, as interpreted by the expert and the water needed to create a concrete bed, the ship reached the vertical position stainless table of the sink to the very bottom. It is a new and unique, in addition to the allocation of 19 hours.
Lithuanian Sea Museum historian Dainius Elert notes another interesting detail. History, according to him, were brought to wrecks for a variety of reasons. The most common - security (if, say, obstructed moorage other ships), ecology (for oil, the potential toxic spills), business goals (to recycle or dispose of what's left) or search for treasures, exceptional items. The main Costa Concordia stainless table bringing the cause, according to D.Elertas unique, as it is aesthetic.
"Normally, sad, tragic or exceptional events sooner or later attract the attention. Tourists are curious to experience the thrill. And in this case, the local community does not want the celebrities "- says D.Elertas. According to him, the people of the island do not care neither about tourism than about cultural memory and do not want to remember the event.
Finding examples where the ships were unloaded from the seabed on the cultural things you can remember vessel vase called the Vasa dynasty built on behalf of the seventeenth stainless table century. Swedish Navy in the order of the king. The ship leaves after fired volleys of gunpowder smoke cleared, the marina standing local residents and foreign visitors fainted from what I see - the ship suddenly began to lever on the left side and all the sails slowly lay back on the water.
According D.Elertas now sailboat vase "is stainless table exhibited in Stockholm, there has a large museum. "Since the sinking of shallow, stainless table with the whole crew and things, stainless table almost everything stayed as nel

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