Friday, April 17, 2015

During concentration, the Broadcast Committee returned to appeal to the responsibility of the Gover

The staff moved Emitted protests in the morning on Friday until the pots of the Government Delegation in Galicia to ask the state agency responsible for this, Miguel Cortizo, which fulfills the commitments made during the meeting that the two sides held last June.
At that meeting, reminded the Committee president, Andres Rodriguez, at the rally, the Government Delegate engaged to review the documentation that has the staff in order to clarify the real workload that has the group Isolux Corsán in the branch of metal.
For this, Rodriguez said, "asked us who were given all the documentation that has the Committee on this issue. Information that the next day he had on the table. However, sink racks the day still not received any communication. We met with him before he solved the 3rd ERE and is about to finish a new record on the table, but we still do not know anything. "
Rodriguez recalled that since the second sink racks ERE personnel representation comes from suing address Emitted accurate information about the workload that Isolux Corsán, it belongs to the factory leather, has no branch of metal. On this issue, stressed that the business group is a leading adjudicators of public works of the Spanish State and has a large backlog internationally.
During concentration, the Broadcast Committee returned to appeal to the responsibility of the Government of Galicia to assume a firm commitment in defense of jobs and put brake on the process of dismantling the factory Coirós the direction is put into practice.
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