Monday, April 27, 2015

2014 (14) December (5) November (6) May (1) January creatop (2) 2013 (13) December (8) November

Thus, as early as late last year, the IGC were to hold assemblies of delegates and members creatop to develop a draft agreement for the continuation consensus with other unions a unitary platform to present the employer and start trading.
To our surprise, the March 11, UGT and CCOO comunícannos that there will be unified platform, that is, who do not want unity in negotiating the labor agreement of the metal of Corunna. This means that the CCOO and UGT entrepreneurs shall present their claims creatop leaving out proposals for improving the convention to come to the IGC.
Since the IGC did not understand how the current situation that crosses the sector when more than ever it is necessary to drive the workers in negotiating the agreements to prevent cuts rights, these unions dare to want him out of the game IGC.
We do not understand that kind of negotiation agreement intend to carry out, are already set out from different platforms, so this means of advantage for entrepreneurs, which of course itself will all be united and well-knit defending their interests.
There are only two possible answers: creatop either the UGT and CCOO to find it very uncomfortable for a union that has not sold more and more strength in the sector and more prominence at the negotiating table, or worse, that the agreement of the metal Corunna in practice already negotiated.
Since the IGC, as there would be less, just like we do our work, with or without union unity. We have prepared our platform presentarémola at the negotiating table, creatop and we will defend each and every one of the points. At the same time inform the sector extensively creatop on the progress of negotiations, and at the end, as always did, will be the workers of the metal will decide on their agreement.
2014 (14) December (5) November (6) May (1) January creatop (2) 2013 (13) December (8) November (5) 2012 (2) February (2) 2011 (62) November ( 2) October creatop (27) September (31) February creatop (1) January (1) 2010 (81) October (5) in September (11) July (16) June (12) April (3) March (34) 2009 ( 46) October (1) August (1) July (4) June (1) May (6) April (4) March (13) February (16) 2008 (57) November (2) October (10) September (8 ) August (4) July (7) June (7) May (11) April (8) 2007 (11) December (2) October (2) August (2) July (5)

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