Since the change dishwasher leaving white residue of rooms in October a year ago our youngest has the smallest room. Since he still likes to play, he would have liked a bit more floor space. ... And because he actually anyway always done his homework in dining room, we have decided to reduce his desk again and remove from the room to create more space. Instead, we have an (old) wall folding dishwasher leaving white residue table in his favorite color gray painted and bolted to the wall. Now he has a lot more space to play, but can always fold up the table top when he wants something to paint or write. Such as yesterday - because dishwasher leaving white residue he has his "Office," furnishings: But he has culled the right tools: cylinder, Bow Tie, Vest, glasses and metal box are heirlooms from Grandpapa, the old books and candlesticks finds from the Brockenhaus. He bought in Venice The pen.
Doris man, do not tell him only, but I could eat him, so mischievous as he looks into the camera as .... süüüüüüß! The desk problem we have, only that it does not necessarily take away place with us, but is constantly used as a "dump". That always brings so much unrest in the room and we consider even remove the table. many greetings Olga January 10, 2013 at 08:28
Oh my God, what a view -. I'm curious to see what it looks like in 5 years As the girls will fall over with happiness in rows. Folding table is a good idea, my son hatt too :) LG Britta January 10, 2013 at 08:38
Dear Doris Heieiei ..... what have you for a sweet son !!! And his ideas and implementation simply cool: o) Its nib I like particularly good! Lieb Grüessli, mica January dishwasher leaving white residue 10, 2013 at 08:46
... I think that's great ... even all the nice old stuff ... so schön..Kompliment for your great idea !!! Thanks also for the mail..melde me again with you !!! Greeting to all Bussi Anja January 10, 2013 at 09:16
Dear Doris, my heart just goes on very well how sweet is that; o) ?! The could do with my kids together, the would also like suuuuuuuupergut; o), wonderful pictures are very many greetings! dishwasher leaving white residue Petra 10 January 2013 09:43
Doris man, since you have but a really sweet copy ... hehe! Great for what he is interested in. I always find it fascinating how much they still think of themselves and how much creativity and obstinacy at such a young head is still! dishwasher leaving white residue Genial! A great idea! That we should sometimes superior because it comes to us as Olga. The desk is always littered ... annoying! Dearest greetings from Jenny January 10, 2013 at 09:58
That's hard to believe. At this age already a wise guy. And with a heart and soul ...! Everything fits perfectly and is warmly celebrated! May he continue dishwasher leaving white residue to bring joy and respectful of the "old things". ;-) LG Claudia January 10, 2013 at 09:58
;-) January 10, 2013 at 10:49
Gorgeous !!! But it is also too sweet (psst öhm he's already 8 !!!!) everything looks great, and really dishwasher leaving white residue like the "early awareness";-) Can understand him so I can not resist aleten things also. Best regards Meret January 10, 2013 at 10:54
Hi Doris, this is a great idea with the folding table would also what still share for our guys to a room. Our great power their Hausis times in her room, sometimes in the dining room, depending on how loud the level here is:-). Your young man comes, as well according to you .. oh just great your blog, which always makes me look at such a great idea in your head, I'd gladly times since ratterts Surely the whole day ... as for me also , only you do not put your things in order, I; _). GGLG Natasha January 10, 2013 at 11:50
Dear Doris The idea with the table is great! We have such a place in our garage dishwasher leaving white residue for pottering, handicrafts and saws. But to mount one in the apartment would not have occurred to me:-) best regards Paula January 10, 2013 at 11:57
How wonderfully sweet and beautiful! dishwasher leaving white residue The little proud Scribbler ... so great. He would Masquerades sure liked it, then he can do more than dip into "old times" :) January 10, 2013 at 12:40
A very creative child you have there! The problem dishwasher leaving white residue of space we have. We rounded a board in Ivar was integrated. There used to be the yes directly from Sweden, now we had to improvise. dishwasher leaving white residue Kind regards Cordula January dishwasher leaving white residue 10, 2013 at 14:28
Dear Doris, your post warms my heart !!! That is sooo cute as the little man sits there with his pen nib writes a letter and is tightened so stylish !!! You have written with so much love, reading was a lot of fun !!! The idea with the folding dishwasher leaving white residue desk I can even awesome !!! All the best, Birgit January 10, 2013 at 16:59
Dear Doris
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