Introduction: Every artist, coffee table base only it seems, must be based on a project, at least a vague idea, before realizing his work. It is inconceivable that the artist works without knowing where it is going. There must be an intention which guides its creative activity. How to create it from scratch? A work that seems coincidence shocked the public. But if the project involved a thorough coffee table base only knowledge of what will work once completed, if the idea was previously a mental model that is sufficient coffee table base only to reproduce the material, the artistic work itself coffee table base only has nothing coffee table base only creator. The phase of implementation, which follow the design would be the simple reproduction of an imaginary coffee table base only model that it would not add anything new. But then how to explain this feeling so often evoked by artists, their work eludes them exceeds their intention? I. The creative fever 1. "The figure in the carpet" According to some conception of art, the artist does not know what he's doing. This theory is based on the fact that the artist asked about his work, shows that its meaning transcends. He was surprised that the public finds a sense that he had not premeditated. It is this character that the masterpiece is recognized. His wealth is infinite. It can be interpreted in a thousand ways. The Image in the carpet, coffee table base only new Henry James, suggests that it is impossible to reduce a work to a single meaning. A writer Vereker says a young literary critic that nobody understood his work. According to him, his novels contain a hidden meaning, a thread, as the central motif of a tapestry. The young man sought this secret in vain, until his death. coffee table base only The meaning of a work can not be reduced to a single pattern. In this way, every age and civilization will discover a meaning that suits him. Therefore, the value of the masterpiece beyond the limited scope of the society in which it was created. It enjoys a near-eternity, so it can be enjoyed across the centuries. The successful work of art is timeless. This is what Malraux wants to emphasize in the voice of the silence when he writes that "art is an anti-destiny" (III, 7). 2. Inspiration Successful work is characterized therefore by its unpredictability. It offers possibilities coffee table base only of interpretation that the author himself had no interviews. This is what we call genius: the ability to create. coffee table base only To create is to emerge something new which can not be explained by what already coffee table base only existed. It is predictable and can be described in the past is determined. Determinism is the opposite of freedom. In contrast, the genius is unpredictable and inexplicable. This mysterious side of aesthetic creation, when something unexpected arises, formerly generated theories religious or mythological character. The artist is only an intermediary between the world and a divine power. It is, in antiquity, inspired by the Muses. He works in a kind of creative fever. To create, Plato observes, it must go into a trance, in a sort of delirium. It is like a shaman, or a medium, that is to say, it is only an intermediary. He does not know what he's doing as simply communicate that a mysterious power whispers. It is not the author, but only the messenger. This state where the artist is possessed by an occult force that uses it, it's inspiration. The artist is inspired. "The poet can not create before feeling the inspiration" (Plato, Ion). Romantics will seize this notion. coffee table base only What differentiates according to them, the artist and ordinary mortals is that it has inspired. The basic quality of the artist is to have inspiration. This design, which gives pride to the imagination and minimizes the role of work and reason, draw an alleged argument between genius and madness near (Van Gogh, Antonin Artaud). The discovery of what is called the negro art, and the first art, has promoted the spread of the theory of the artist-shaman, who was taken by contemporary artists such as Jackson Pollock.
3. Chance and unconscious It is the unpredictability of creation, the idea that every work there is the "hand of God" (André Gide) which lead the Surrealists to emphasize the role of chance in the creation process. Surrealist poetry is characterized by the production of unusual and strange images. "It's coffee table base only somewhat fortuitous combination of two words sprang What a special light, the image" (André Breton, Manifesto of Surrealism). Any poetic image comes from the combination coffee table base only of two ideas usually separated. But the surreal image has own two aspects. The two ideas which it arises are quite remote, so that their merger creates u
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