Saturday, December 13, 2014

The sight incredibly important they manipulated the amount of visual information in dark environmen

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The lack of light means that we humans have difficulty seeing at night, and the same kind of flies and bees. Despite the use of nocturnal bees actually the eyes to avoid colliding with objects.
Megalopta is one of the few nocturnal bee species in the world. Their view is most interesting from a night vision perspective because the bee's eyes are traditionally not suited for night vision.
Therefore, a research assistant Emily Baird along with eye researchers at Lund University studied how the bee does to navigate the Panamanian tropical rainforest at night. stainless tables
The sight incredibly important they manipulated the amount of visual information in dark environments and tested how it affected the bee's navigational skills. Surprisingly, it turned stainless tables out that the sight was extremely important for the bees to plan their escape through the darkness.
- Our large eyes give us humans a relatively good night vision. When not even we could see our own hand in front of us under the lighting conditions we performed tests in, it would not be surprising if even the bees' vision was inadequate, says Emily Baird to SVT Science.
Instead of sight, stainless tables had been assumed that the bees navigate by feel their way. Bees have a variety känselhår on the body and on their antennae and one of the theories scientists had at the beginning, was that they would be able to sense their surroundings and thus avoid flying into objects.
Unsolved mystery how the bee's Night vision can work so well as it does, even though the eyes are adapted to daylight, stainless tables is still an unsolved mystery. Lund researchers suspect that the parts of the bee brain that interprets visual information is especially developed.
- This is relevant information for example engineers who wish to develop control small flying robots. If we can understand the specializations Megalopta used for air traffic control in one of the darkest environments on earth, the knowledge can be used to develop vehicles and control systems for navigation even at night.
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