Procedures Eat (Table Manner) are rules of etiquette used while eating, and also includes the proper use of the equipment. Different cultures observe different rules for how to eat. Each family or group sets its own standards for how these rules should be strictly enforced.
When you travel to several countries in the world, you may find that in some cultures, eating etiquette is very much different besides dishes name something you might put in your dishwasher from you. Here are some reviews menganai Procedures Dining / Table Manner in some countries.
If they can show good manners at the dinner table, in fact indirectly indicate the quality of social, intellectual and social ethics someone. Ethical eating is not formed suddenly. Ethical quality eating to be done since the age of the child and adolescent. With a daily habit by doing ethical good meal then is a very good learning process. When ethics besides dishes name something you might put in your dishwasher eat formed instantaneously it will produce a quality meal ethics awkward and inflexible. When someone is invited at a famous restaurant besides dishes name something you might put in your dishwasher or a formal dinner with a dining table that has been set in such a way must follow the rules of ethics of good eating.
Eat with your mouth closed when chewing food. Speaking at a low volume. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. Do leaned back in the chair. Do not make any noise when chewing food. Do not play food with cutlery. Do not mock or tell someone that he had a bad meal ethics. Do not folded at the dinner table. Always ask for permission to the owner of the current event will leave the table. Do not stare at other people's eyes when she was eating. Do not talk on the phone at the dinner table. Ijinlah ask when you really have to answer the phone, and ask apologize when it returns. Do not make any noise while eating soup. Put the fork on the left and right hand fork together at 5 o'clock on a plate with a sharp knife part facing inwards. It signifies that you have finished eating. Lap provided in the above table should not be used. Do not deprive snot rag hand. Lap prepared for you just to cleanse the mouth when dirty. Do not take food from the plates of others and do not ask him too. Swallow all the food in the mouth before drinking. besides dishes name something you might put in your dishwasher Do not use the hand while taking food left in the mouth, use a toothpick. Try to taste all the food provided. Offer to the person next to you when you are going to pour drinks into your glass. Leave a little food if you do not want or can not afford to spend on food. Wait no cue to begin eating food that was served. Add flavor after tasting the food is considered rude and insulting the chef. Except in the restaurant, do not ask to get rid of the rest of your meal unless the meal is over and never did when invited to a formal event. Do not forget one thing in common. Do not forget to always say 'please' and 'thank you' besides dishes name something you might put in your dishwasher every time you ask for help.
When the waiter did not give you sit, Sit down and pull the bench with two hands. Open the napkin or napkin with a reasonable drop in your lap. If you are ready to order a menu, see the list of menu with reasonable, not too long. Immediately pointed menu you choose. After the waiter usually let you taste an appetizer or appetizer menu.
The appetizer dish (appetizer). Before the entrees are served usually supplied bread on the table as snacks, you can eat this bread by hand. The entrees are usually also consists of two kinds, Hot Appetizer and Cold Appetizer. Hot Appetizer usually Sup. Stir the soup slowly, do not lap your hands, let it remain on the table. Never blow soup. Use a soup spoon that has been provided, usually smaller. besides dishes name something you might put in your dishwasher Cold Appetizer can be a salad, take the fork in the left hand and the knife in his right hand, once again choose the cutlery provided, usually smaller than the main course cutlery. Janagn hesitate to wipe your mouth when there is leftover besides dishes name something you might put in your dishwasher food there. Do not wiped down with one hand. Main dishes (Main Course)
When the main course arrived, make no mistake if you're invited to a banquet-style international, there are generally two ways to eat the main course. The main dish is often in the form of meat, steak or sea food. When using usual American-style meat cut new first eaten using a spoon with your right hand. European besides dishes name something you might put in your dishwasher way of another, usually straight cut with a knife in his right hand plainly take the fork in the left hand.
Satisfied eating the main course, it's time you enjoy dessert. Desserts are generally in the form
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