Download pdf INTRODUCTION Coffee Plant is a plant that is very familiar in their yards rural population in Indonesia. If the tremendous potential we can use this commodity is not hard to make this a mainstay in the plantation sector. It only took a little touch of proper cultivation techniques, surely we are optimistic expectations into reality.
PREPARATION OF LAND - For mountainous land / tilt for the terrace. - Reduce / plus fast-growing shade trees is approximately wood table bases for glass tops 1: 4 to 1: 8 of the number of coffee plants. - Prepare mature manure as much as 25-50 kg, spread Natural GLIO, let stand one week and make planting hole of 60 x 60 or 75 x 75 cm with a spacing of 2,5x2,5 up to 2.75 x 2.75 m at least 2 months before planting
BREEDING - Prepare quality seeds of trees that have been known from breeder seed production usually reliable. - Create a box or bumbunan soil for seeding with a thick layer of sand approximately 5 cm. - Create protector with a midrib or paranet with a gradual reduction if the seedlings have grown. - Flush the seed with a routine by looking at soil wetness. - Seeds will germinate approximately 1 month, select healthy seedlings and do transfer to a polybag with hati2 so that the roots do not drop out at the age of seedlings 2 -3 months since the start of the nursery. - Add fertilizer NPK fertilizer wood table bases for glass tops as the base (see table) until the age of 12 months. - Pour SUPERNASA dose of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water, wood table bases for glass tops take 250 ml per tree of the solution. - After 4 months old seedling spray cap NASA POC 2 per tank once a month until the age of 7-9 months and a seedling ready for planting. Fertilizer Dose table To Seed Coffee
PLANTING - Enter the manure with a mixture of upper soil when planting. - Try planting time already entered the rainy season. wood table bases for glass tops - Do watering the soil after planting - Avoid the risk of death a new crop of nuisance animals.
4 2 x 100 2 x 90 2 x 40
> 10 2 x 200 2 x 175 2 x 80 Notes: The type and dosage of fertilizer according to soil type or local pertaniam official recommendations How fertilization created a small hole around the plant so far crown width, fertilizer input and closed ground. It would be better plus organic fertilizer SUPERNASA dose of 1 bottle to 200 plants. 1 bottle SUPER NASA diluted in 2 liter (2000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then every 1 liter of water was given 10 ml of mother liquor was for watering individual trees or flush or kocorkan SUPERNASA 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water every 3-6 months. Spray a 3-4 cap NASA POC + HORMONIK 1-2 caps per tank every 1 month
TRIMMING wood table bases for glass tops Perform routine pruning after the end of the harvest (heavy pruning) to regulate the growth form, reducing branch shoots water (wiwilan), reduce evaporation and aim to form flowers, as well as repair the damaged parts of the plant. Pruning at the beginning or end of the rainy season wood table bases for glass tops after fertilization
A. HAMA 1. Powdered coffee fruit (Stephanoderes hampei) attacks in the storage of fruit and while still in the garden. Prevention with PESTONA or alternately BVR 2. Borer branch brown and black (Cylobarus morigerus and Compactus) attack twigs and branches. Prevention with PESTONA. wood table bases for glass tops 3. Fleas dompolan (Pseudococcus citri) attack wood table bases for glass tops flower buds, young fruit, twigs and young leaves, preventive use PESTONA, wood table bases for glass tops BVR or pentane. + AERO 810 alternately
B. DISEASES 1. Diseases caused by leaf rust HEMILEIA VASTATRIX, preventive spray Natural GLIO 2. The disease is caused by a fungus Upas Corticium salmonicolor: Reduce moisture, scraped and apply preventive stems / branches with Natural GLIO + POC NASA 3. The disease causes black root Rosellina bunodes and R. arcuata. Marked with yellow leaves, wilted, hang and fall. Natural preventive wood table bases for glass tops GLIO 4. Disease brown root cause: Fomes or Phellinus wood table bases for glass tops lamaoensis lamaoensis preventive GLIO 5. Diseases Natural brown spots on leaves by Cercospora cafeicola Berk et Cooke prevention with Natural GLIO 6. Disease dead end on Rhizoctonia ranting.Penyebabnya .Preventif use Natural GLIO. Note: If the control of pests and diseases with natural pesticides have not been overcome, as a last alternative can be used chemical pesticides are recommended. In order to spray more evenly and not easily wood table bases for glass tops lost by rain water add Adhesives Straighten AERO 810 wetting dosage of 0.5 per tank lid
HARVEST Coffee will be producing from the age of 2.5 years if taken care of properly and have shown red fruit that covers most of the plant, and carried out in stages according to fruit maturity period.
PROCESSING RESULTS To be prepared ahead of time where drying, stripping the skin and also storage wood table bases for glass tops ha
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