At the dawn of humanity, in the desert, a human pre tribe suffered repeated assaults of a rival gang, who is playing him a waterhole. The discovery of a black monolith inspires the chief of the besieged a new and decisive action. Brandishing a bone, it goes on the attack and defeats his opponents. The first instrument was born.
Today are discovered three new monoliths (parallelepipeds solid color - one red, one green, one blue, the different proportions to that of the film). You matérialiserez distributed on photography, taking care to respect the rules of perspective restaurant table base and placing them clean and shadows.
1. Normal Perspective: The eye level always coincides with image skyline. If the viewer is standing. The horizon is at eye level. 2. Point the top view: If the viewer is standing on a ladder in front of the same scene, the skyline is still in his eyes, but the soil occupies more space. 3. Viewpoint low: If the viewer is down, the soil has a lesser role in the representation.
The vanishing point in this central perspective to single vanishing point, the space is reduced to a cubic room with a checkered pavement, walls and ceiling. All orthogonal parallel to the plane of representation - pavement lines. edge of the table bases and tops of the window and door - fleeing to a single central restaurant table base vanishing point (FP) on the horizon (LH).
Point away point distance (PD) is the focal point of the diagonals of a pavement. It is situated on the horizon (LH). It is located at 45 from the vanishing point and to determine the point of vision.
Tags Animation Architecture Contemporary Comic Art Cult Cinema Collage Drawing Exhibition device hda Installation Art History Painting Photography restaurant table base Photomontage Sculpture Street Art Video Uses of ICT
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