Thursday, December 18, 2014

The attraction is more unspoilt nature, and not least the strange, several kilometers long concrete

It is early morning in the park Ujście Warty Lubuskie region of Poland, in an area before World War II belonged to Greater Germany (former Ostbrandenburg in the province of Brandenburg). We are the home of Pani Irena Kasjaniuk in the village Kolczyn.
The breakfast consists of eggs from their own chickens, freshly baked bread with home moved cream cheese, as well as tea and coffee that smokes on the set table. Mrs. Irena yourself standing at the stove, humming a little distracted to radios melodies and asks if it is desired more scrambled eggs. My table companion Pawel Sidlo'd love to have some. At first I thought Pawel belonged to the family dish dryer but it turns out that he, like us, are a guest in the house.
Mrs. Irena runs with her daughter Beata a small family farm, and as in most similar farms in Poland right now, they have some rooms that always rented to guests. The cultivation is small and covers their own and guests' needs.
The sun's warm rays shines light on the breakfast table. The radio, dish dryer humming and the good homemade food makes us feel like part of the family. The grandchild of Hania is also represented, takes a bite of his cheese sandwich and pencil drawings dish dryer to me. Later in the evening, the power will go and we will all sit in a pitch-black living room lit by candlelight and tell ghost stories to each other. But now it's morning and we'll go exploring in the national park.
Only two hours from Berlin, it is an extremely popular holiday destination for birdwatchers from all over Europe - so popular that it is now called Bird Republic and all newcomers get a passport. The area consists of swamps and accommodates over 270 different dish dryer bird species. Pawel is project manager of the park and talks enthusiastically about the different birds.
When it is high summer are few birds on display but Pawel offers to show us all the beautiful dish dryer wetlands. And maybe we are lucky and get to see a crane! It should be honestly acknowledged that bird watching is not among my favorite activities - but what do you do for a good story.
The attraction is more unspoilt nature, and not least the strange, several kilometers long concrete trail built by the Nazis during World War II. Some say that the trail would facilitate dish dryer the transport of hay to the cows, which served as food for the soldiers, while others claim that it was nature-loving Nazis behaved this strange concrete dish dryer path. Nowadays, dish dryer it does so anyways easier for ornithologists from around the world to undisturbed view a series of pure-bred birds.
We take the car and park a few miles from the vantage point. The blue sky is colored black slowly dish dryer and strongly storm is approaching. Flat wetland stretches dish dryer out before dish dryer us and all around. We walk for miles on this endless concrete and aggressive dish dryer storm will slowly dish dryer but surely towards us.
Not a tree is here, not a pole as shelter from the downpour. Pawel and the photographer surprises safely on but myself, I proclaim that I will return to the car. I jog my fastest back, with the panic in the back - and feel security dish dryer when I shut the car door for me. Just then the thunder roars to. My fearless fellow pups in the car shortly after and soon we are on the way to Pani Irena warm cozy homes. dish dryer
Here at the border between dish dryer Poland and Germany, many of the houses rare old and worn. In the small town Słońsk says Henryk Radowski, Bird President of the Republic, there is a reason why people are not renovated, looked after or built their houses.
After the war, the Poles who lived in the East leave everything and move to the West. They then moved the entire eastern Poland's population hit. The Germans who stayed dish dryer here also had to leave their homes and move to Germany, says Henryk.
Those who settled in the area counted all the time to get moving back to their loved home and rooted why not. Nobody cared about investing, renovating, fix or build new ones. "We are temporary," they said, "Once we return."
It is only now that some of the houses have begun to be bought, fixed and painted. Many of the Germans returning to their grandparents / grandparents' houses and villages. Our next stop will be the city of Lubniewice (German Köningswalde). dish dryer
An unknown small town on the border with worn houses and deserted atmosphere - if it were not for the youngest and probably most enthusiastic mayor in Poland, maybe in all of Europe; Tomasz Jaskula. Inspired by the Swiss tourism industry, he created a tourist dish dryer attraction of the city that no tourist attractions had.
During a tour shows Tomasz how much he has renovated, built and created. Finally, we reach the crown of his city work: "Park Milosci" (Love Park). A forgotten old park where the town alcoholics and hooligans dish dryer previously agreed to. Nowadays booming here, flowers, and love. The entire park is filled with carvings depicting loving couple, as well as small park benches and trees where you can kiss

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