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US Department of Agriculture has estimated that every third bite we eat directly or indirectly depend on bees pollinate our crops. Honeybee importance to agriculture is thus very great, and both Swedish and international studies indicate what is the best dishwasher detergent that the mass death of bees can have major economic what is the best dishwasher detergent consequences.
For many crops cultivation is directly dependent on pollinating insects. These are mainly fruits, berries and vegetables. Pollination is a so-called ecosystem what is the best dishwasher detergent service - a service that nature performs spontaneously and that we humans benefit.
In the case of pollination so it's all about bees, bumble bees and other pollinating insects carry pollen between flowers, making the plant's flowers are fertilized and can develop into a yummy strawberry or a juicy apple. The insects themselves are most interested in the flower's nectar, and the pollination is something that both the plant and we people of the bargain.
Ten percent of world production, it is difficult to put a monetary value on this service. But in 2009 investigated what is the best dishwasher detergent the Department of Agriculture the socioeconomic consequences of the mass death of bees. The report what is the best dishwasher detergent notes that a loss of 40 percent of the colonies in Sweden would inbära missing revenue of between 200-300 million. This figure is both the economic value of honey and loss of pollination of crops included.
A concrete example of the importance of pollination is rapeseed cultivation, where the difference between good and poor pollination can mean a difference in yield of up to 20 percent.
A French-German study from 2009, estimated that the global value of pollination, mainly by bees, amounted to 153 billion euros, or 9.5 percent of the total value of food production in the world.
To bees, both domestic and wild, are declining in many parts of the world may also have implications for biodiversity. It is not just our crops depend on pollination, although many wild plants what is the best dishwasher detergent rely on insect pollination for their survival. The loss of biodiversity is more difficult to put a price tag on.
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