Regilar Estate APARTMENT TOWN 270 MIL.
The apartment has 50m with: 2/4 as embedded wardrobes 1 bathroom with glass shower, marble sink with cabinets. 2 living rooms with built-in rack. Kitchen with built-in marble sink on the wall all over cabinets. Laundry with sink and glass door between kitchen and laundry. 1 fixed car space. 1 bike space. building has a gym, playroom, game room, bicycle and a ballroom. condo has gazebo with barbecue, indoor sports court, playground for children and babies, outdoor gym with walking track and 24 hour security. islas trobriand Codomino of R $ 385.00 with water and built-in gas. Street Pigeon Shooting, 402 Condo Building John Paul I - III Step 270 THOUSAND NEGOTIABLE
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The apartment has 50m with: 2/4 as embedded wardrobes 1 bathroom with glass shower, marble sink with cabinets. 2 living rooms with built-in rack. Kitchen with built-in marble sink on the wall all over cabinets. Laundry with sink and glass door between kitchen and laundry. 1 fixed car space. 1 bike space. building has a gym, playroom, game room, bicycle and a ballroom. condo has gazebo with barbecue, indoor sports court, playground for children and babies, outdoor gym with walking track and 24 hour security. islas trobriand Codomino of R $ 385.00 with water and built-in gas. Street Pigeon Shooting, 402 Condo Building John Paul I - III Step 270 THOUSAND NEGOTIABLE
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