Source One needs no special detergents to provide a dishwasher and washing machine a good cleaning occasionally. Do you have vinegar you have what you need! DISHWASHER: Pour about. 3 cup white vinegar in the bottom of the empty dishwasher. Run the machine a spin on the hottest program. The vinegar will loosen and remove table legs and bases dirt, grease and bacteria from the machine. Then run the machine at normal program to get cleaned out all the vinegar and the remains of dirt. TIP! You can also use vinegar as a daily rinse agent in the dishwasher. Pour the vinegar table legs and bases in the fabric table legs and bases softener drawer and get the shiny glass and plates. WASHING MACHINE: Pour 1/2 - 1 bottle of white vinegar in the soap tray and close again. Put the machine on the hottest program (without clothes of course) and let the vinegar do the job of removing old soap residue and other gruff. Drive to the end machine a round at a lower temperature to get cleaned out properly. If the machine table legs and bases is really dirty, you can also have the 1 cup of baking table legs and bases soda with vinegar. table legs and bases The tips I found in the Come Clean. You will also find many other eco-friendly tips. :)
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