The range of rengjøringssprayer is greater than ever. You can actually spray your entire home clean. The kitchen sink, bathroom floor, toilet, windows, mirrors and doors, oven and grill, tv screen, clothes and shoes, indoor air dog bed.
Data from South Africa shows that people who use a lot of spray in their own homes, often get asthma than other people. The risk increases wrought iron legs the more types of sprays you use and the more often you use them, he said. Chief January Vilhelm Bakke believes that household chemical sprays are causing the hidden morbidity in the population.
Bakke has previously wrought iron legs turned to the sound of a Norwegian wrought iron legs ban on cleaning spray. He believes consumers should be aware of the possible harmful effects and is particularly concerned about the negative wrought iron legs impact on children. Norway and Sweden have more cases of asthma than Denmark and Estonia.
It is interesting in light of spray bottles, mean superior. People in Estonia has the lowest risk of developing asthma. There used cleaning sprays much rarer than in the other three countries, he said.
In the 1990s Rated Denmark wrought iron legs to ban cleaning spray. But it ended with the industry used self policing and went over to the other bottle types that makes you breathe less during use. At Danes harbors more of household chemistry where it should, therefore not in the air.
On its website with recommended wrought iron legs products provides Asthma and Allergy Foundation thumbs up for one multipurpose spray. "However, this is a bottle stock mousse instead of spraying. We always say no to ordinary spray bottles because the content can irritate or damage the airways, "says communications manager Bo Gleditsch the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association.
SINTEF senior in cleaning and indoor environments, Steinar Nilsen K., believes that aerosol sprays are like butter on the meat. "You do not need chemicals except special purposes, wrought iron legs such as burnt fat. The chemicals are not favorable either for public health, cleanliness' search work environment or nature, wrought iron legs "he says.
"And you must do two operations. First spray and then wipe off. With a damp microfiber cloth makes only the latter, and the result is just as good. Cloth and water are both better and faster, "says Nilsen.
"If they do other solutions available, I am quite sure that people will use them. Now creates too many spray products containing harmful wrought iron legs and hazardous chemicals, "said senior researcher.
"And wrought iron legs when chemicals are required, one need not to spray them on. To moisten the cloth with chemical solution does the same thing, and is not nearly as scary when it comes to inhalation of potentially wrought iron legs hazardous substances.
Wash with microfiber cloth, the result is completely germ free. If you use it correctly. With proper use of microfiber cloth, you can actually limit it to one sick person in the household. Microfiber cloths used properly is phenomenal bakteriedrepere.
That bacteria thrive extra well with moisture, are well known. Dry cloths wrought iron legs are the most hygienic. It was therefore surprising to find that microfiber wrought iron legs cloths dampened and spun in a washing machine is more effective against bacteria, says Furuberg.
The secret here is that you first give the cloth a quick round in the washing machine (without detergent) when to clean their homes. This is when cloths are basically clean, and when to use them for cleaning touch points.
"Computer sink and wipe the correct residual moisture. The cloth is too wet if it gets wet under the tap, which can form the basis for the growth of several microorganisms and also be harmful to the surface, "says Furuberg. wrought iron legs
Many people use a bucket of soapy water and turn the cloth during the cleaning process. But when the result is much cleaner than where you started where you stop. It spreads dirt and micro-organisms from one place to another.
Though she uses like to completely dry microfiber wrought iron legs cleaning cloths. "But in bathrooms and toilets should also use chemistry to remove scale, wrought iron legs rust and corrosion. The same in the shower when to remove soap residue, grease and lime, "she says.
Another advantage of the spin dry microfiber is that one does not need soap or chemicals. "The cloth does the job more than good enough alone. wrought iron legs And can be used to clean almost everything in your home. Shower wrought iron legs possibly clean water from a spray bottle of extra stubborn stains, "says Furuberg. wrought iron legs
Toilet and mirrors, kitchen counters and doorknobs, windows and fittings, handrail on the stairs. The applications are almost unlimited. But by dusting should microfiber cloth to dry. When catching the most effective up dust.
"And in particular smooth and polished surfaces such as piano lacquer, glass towels are the best choice. Except for this, microfiber easily be used for all washing at home, "believes Furuberg.
"All microfiber does the job. The price does not matter wrought iron legs to the result, durability, fiber delivery and life may vary. And d
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