Friday, June 13, 2014

By dwelling fires where the cause is determined, washing machines stand for 100 cases in the period

It shows a survey TNS Gallup survey done for the Norwegian Fire Protection Association, If P and the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency gisela graham jug Planning (DSB) in connection with Brannvernuka 2013.
- It is fortunately not many washing machine fires occur at night. Nevertheless, we discourage people to wash clothes while they sleep. The ability to detect fire early development is much less than when you are awake, says Deputy Anne Rygh Pedersen DSB.
By dwelling fires where the cause is determined, washing machines stand for 100 cases in the period 2008-2012, according gisela graham jug to figures from the DSB. 11 of these occurred between midnight and 06 number may be higher since the cause only is the registry gisela graham jug for around 40 percent gisela graham jug of the fires.
- Waking the smoke alarm at night are always experienced dramatic. You should try to understand what is happening, and you have little time for you. It takes few minutes of the first open flames in a fire until it is full guy, says Morten Thorsrud, executive director of the Consumer Market at If P & C Insurance.
- Smoke detectors should be interconnected with other detectors in the house. You may not hear the smoke alarm in the basement, gisela graham jug so it should be connected in series with the detector in the bedroom. Serial connection is wireless and easy mounting said Thorsrud.
- With new electricity meters will be even more tempting to wash at night because you can monitor how much money can be saved. This makes it even more important for us to speak out about the risks, says Kalheim.
- The fluff filter is often clogged after only one drying and should be emptied every time you have used the drum. Let this be part of your routine. Do you have a dryer with condenser, the condenser must be cleaned at regular intervals, such as every month, says head injury Inge Gudmund Aas at If P & C Insurance.
16.-21. September, Brannvernuka held under the auspices of the Norwegian Fire Protection Association, If P and the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning. Participation is increasing year by year, and an estimated 200,000 children and adults visiting over 300 open fire stations.
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