Yes ... you guessed it! We got DSTV! Hallelujah! It's frantic fun again biki story can look after myself instead of just in the day to listen! But every good thing comes of course with its own side effects ...
That's but ads do! They know how to find soft spot! Brat kiddies that staring at a monkey to a tree and floating in a swimming pool full of coco-pops convinced fomir that swimming is egg and toast will not meet for breakfast ..... and emotional eaters are convinced that a seluliet the magic will let melts .....
Coffee ... eish ... I'm fomir in the mood for coffee .... I Frasier's coffee machine in Cafe Nervosa see the cream of Friends in Central Perk cuppachino ..... and of course every police man in any detective story immortalized a nice cup of take-away coffee in his hand or on his table .....
You have no idea how good does a Burger King burger that Tom Hanks in the Terminal eat while I gnaw on a boiled egg no ... Wow - ekke sitting and watching NCIS and the policeman grabbed his snack and snack so nice big bite .... eish .... my mouth water right now ...
There is such a channel - called UniversalChannel - channel 117 - which kept South African advertising WEARING ..... eish .... then they cut the Karoo lamb and voice hypnotize me and explain how perfect fomir the cut each case will Clicks fomir .... even stupid advertising is great to SA required! Eish! Ekke the weekend biki try to gan nice shop in the village and take biki good idea to compile for you! The "Clicks" shoppies here is something to behold!
The roads are more or less but gravel - all place the chinese started throwing gravel in prep for the tar roads - but unfortunately no tar lorries seen! Hope tar appears before the president is gechange! We love to go for walks in the evenings fomir - charles fomir with great flash for the motorcycles to blind us if they want to kill and I with the little headlamp that I not in the mud holes fall! Most evenings are quite exciting as the old motorcycles are road hogs sometimes - so be nice man ducked and jumped briskly, but the most interesting are the ones along the way! A white man is pretty rare here but a white woman is a proper strange phenomenon! And especially the kiddies fomir LOVE the white woman! It's pretty tricky sometimes - but mostly funny! Their word for white man "MUSUNGU" - or the other word is "Monic" - this is actually the acronym for the UN here in Congo, but everywhere we go just the kiddies cry from afar "Musungu! Whether MONIK! fomir " and waved furiously and ran to meet us! I feel like a real Queen Elizabeth fomir was blowing fomir from her official car! On the bike Charles concentrate on the road and I waved left and right respectively! Unless we go through a ditch and then drive claw stuck and can not blow!
One night we went for a walk as the two of us Rottevanger Piper looked! 5 boys so I have decided is the cutest event in the street fomir and they all walked next to me and pretty much caused consternation in the way the motorcycles through our entire row of people want to break! and the whole way they repeat the two sentences fomir in English what they say! Namely - good morning ... how are you ... you are my friend ... very pretty funny until 5 girls also started invasion and then it just becomes a circus! Because when they look sweeties and money whatnameyou! fomir And Charles just catch a cross lane and our flight! hahahahha! ;)
For all the men who might want to complain because their little wives drag them to Menlyn mall when .... there is always something to be grateful, and you must be careful not to complain to the white bread under the arm ....
Menlyn Mall aircon is perhaps biki cold frame BUT Kindu's Mall is so average 35grade in the shade ..... but most of the mall is not in the shade .....
Menlyn Mall may have long passages where you went astray fomir and become tired BUT Menlyn Mall rusbankies and you do not have to dodge the yamaha taxis zoom past and modderplasse and holes in the road
Menlyn fomir Mall checkers trolleys average probably about 10 bags checkers can volkoop - Kindu Mall .... did .... trolleys and trolley to come with a driver - but the trolley should be very fully laden and his wife gan So much more than just full 10sakkies goete can buy!
Menlyn Mall you may sometimes struggle to find parking in Kindu mall ..... you rather run as the car is not even really in the street ride because all the goats and kids and Yamahas that you should watch
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