Saturday, April 26, 2014

FileName db

Extension (Filename Extension, or for file extensions) is an early operating system (such as VMS / CP / M / DOS, etc.) for a mechanism to mark the file format. In DOS, it is an extension behind the main file name, separated by a delimiter. In a like "example.txt" in the file name, example is the master dish racks file name, txt file extension, which means that this file is a plain text file, "." Is the main file name and extension delimiter.
DOS operating systems (including Windows 3.x) the extension limited to three characters. On other Windows operating system, whether it is 16/32 bit Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME or 32-bit Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 and Windows Vista, Windows FAT32 file system contains 7 There is a level of correction interface, making the extension dish racks of words can reach 256 English characters, dish racks but at the system dish racks level, still retains three-letter dish racks naming, which for many users are not visible. NTFS file system is no such restriction. (But NTFS does not apply to 95, 98 and ME)
File extension can be expressed as shown or hidden under the shell (shell) or browser settings. Spread of computer viruses or worms malicious user might use similar LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs or JustForYou.TXT.exe this looks like a harmless file as plain text file to propagate to the target user, if file extensions are hidden words (usually Microsoft's operating system is hidden by default), then the VBScript file or executable file with a computer virus is likely to deceive users.
VFAT, FAT system for an enhanced version of Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5 was added. dish racks VFAT file system allows more than traditional 8.3 file name support for longer, but also mixed case long file names (LFN).
Since this for a long file name is not necessarily a method to build a 8.3 file name, Windows will use the following routine to determine how an 8.3 file name is generated: if long file names are 8.3 uppercase letters, dish racks not saved on disk Any long filenames. For example: "TEXTFILE.TXT" If long filenames are 8.3 mixed case letters, so long file names are stored in mixed case letters of the file name, the name will be stored in 8.3 its uppercase version. For example: "TextFile.Txt" is converted to "TEXTFILE.TXT". Long file names only save the first six and a half-width characters basic name connected to a ~ number, then end with a number for identification for, and finally to the extension of the first three characters for the end. Characters can not be used again for further removed dish racks from the results, such as (+) number will be converted into a number (_), while it will turn all upper case letters. For example: "TextFile1.Mine.txt" will be converted to "TEXTFI ~ 1.TXT"; "Accessories" will be converted into a "subsidiary should be ~ 1" (or, if "TEXTFI ~ 1.TXT" already exists dish racks under the circumstances, will be saved as "TEXTFI ~ 2.TXT"). "Ver +1.2. Text" will be converted to "VER_12 ~ 1.TEX". Starting with Windows 2000, the first six characters of short file names if at least 4 files or folders dish racks are the same, the long file name will be the file name will be transferred dish racks to the base name of the first two characters (or if the basic only the name of a character, dish racks they will take all the file names one character), then chopped 4 hexadecimal value of the file name on the connection, and then-number, followed by a figure and. number Finally, the first three as the end of the extension. As a result, compared to, and that this extension is already split and use all capital letters. For example: "TextFile.Mine.txt" will be converted to "TE021F ~ 1.TXT".
12h: no rnatching directory entry
if the attribute in CX is zero only normal files are searched. If the volume label attribute bit is set only volume labels are returned. For all other attribute dish racks settings, (ie, hidden, system or directory) those files and normal files are searched
22-23: File time stamp
CX = attribute mask
. Model small, c. Stack. dish racks Data file_spec db "*. *", 0 DTA db 128h dup (0). Code main proc mov ax, @ Data mov ds, ax mov dx, offset DTA mov ah, 1Ah int 21h mov dx, offset file_spec xor cx, cx mov ah, 4Eh int 21h jc quit print_name: lea si, DTA + 1eh next_char: lodsb int 29h test al, al jnz next_char mov al, 13 int 29h mov al, 10 int 29h mov dx, offset file_spec xor cx, cx mov ah, 4fh int 21h jnc print_name quit: mov ax, 4c00h int 21h main endp end main
Offset Size in bytes Meaning 0 21 Reserved dish racks 21 1 File attributes 22 2 Time last modified 24 2 Date last modified 26 4 Size of file (in bytes) 30 13 File name (ASCIIZ)
mov dx, OFFSET youChoose; DS: DX points to DTA mov ah, 1AH; function 1Ah - set DTA int 21h; call DOS service dish racks
FileName db ". C: \ * *", 0; file name
mov ah, 4Eh; function 4Eh - find first
int 21h; call DOS service
int 21h & nb

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