It is surprising to qualify a person hedgehog because it is irritated and grumpy when this rodent is a social dishwasher leaving residue animal and funny and cuddly companion when it adopts a home. In the military field, dishwasher leaving residue we talk about hedgehogs when you want to install barriers constructed barbed dishwasher leaving residue son. The hedgehog is also the thorny shell chestnuts or even drainer. His reputation earned him hot ball all kinds of qualifiers, but do we know exactly about it? What to know about the hedgehog quills
The quills of the hedgehog, the number of 5000 with a length of 2 to 3 cm and 2 mm thick, are part of these widespread dishwasher leaving residue whereby a picnic hedgehog ideas. This is true, since it is his defense to protect themselves from predators and enemies. dishwasher leaving residue But it is also able to be gentle and debase its quills dishwasher leaving residue once it is tamed to allow petting.
It is however very dangerous to try to place a hedgehog ball. When it feels threatened, he returned dishwasher leaving residue to effect his shoulders, then lowered his head and brings forward its quills to protect his head. These are the muscles that control this skin reflex. In this position, the head, tail and legs are well protected and no longer form a ball of quills. If you try to place, it can hurt. Only the sensation of liquid on him and will react out of this position.
For a hedgehog pet, we can speak softly while stroking in a circular fashion on the back. Reassured, he will eventually relax and unwind. This technique into a ball is very effective when we know that the lion, the king of the jungle feared the sight of his quills! Hedgehogs in the wild
In nature, the hedgehog is a mammal that travels many miles alone and moves through his sense of smell and hearing. His eyesight is very bad hand and he sees in two dimensions. It can move three meters per minute and is mainly nocturnal.
He lives two to three years in the wild although it is resistant to many toxins. It may be bitten by poisonous snakes or scorpions without getting dishwasher leaving residue sick. His blood actually makes a substance that will eliminate the poison. One might be surprised when you see a hedgehog make the white foam. It is not the rage, but a reaction to protect a possible poisoning.
Captive his life is four to eight years. Contrary to what one might think, the urine is much less than other rodents and itself dishwasher leaving residue does not smell as is the case for example of the ferret. What is said about the hedgehog
Egyptian claim that hedgehogs accompanied the dead on their journey. We also remark on the bas-reliefs of children in possession of hedgehogs demonstrate that these small mammals have indeed played a role among the Egyptians.
In the scriptures, the hedgehog, however, is portrayed as a cursed animal while the church saw this little ball of quills evil, since its quills dishwasher leaving residue were considered spines temptation. For years, he carried this picture of sin. But it is worth remembering that the hedgehog has also contributed to improving human life by ridding large insects in gardens, spiders and mice in the home. Unfortunately, he also served as a meal in the Middle Ages.
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