Saturday, February 28, 2015

Pairings and Results Round 10 (see the Round 9) Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (2760) Sergey Karjakin 1/2 (2

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Our selection of books / software - Start chess - Play Online The final duel between the two leaders to the advantage of Carlsen: Norwegian beats the Italian Fabiano Caruana and won the Memorial Gashimov. Recall that the Italian had beaten Carlsen Round 4. This time Magnus took revenge with whites. Zero was enough to win the tiebreakers lime green washing up bowl (more wins) ... To be continued on in Live Chess 24
10th and final round on Wednesday lime green washing up bowl at Gashimov Memorial. World champion chess Magnus Carlsen won out with 6.5 points / 10. Pavel Eljanov won the tournament with B 6/9. Bacrot finishes 4th at 5 pts.
Summary of Round 9: Magnus Carlsen and Radjabov stumbles face cancels 101 hits. Caruana took the opportunity to go back up to the year beating Norwegian Mamedyarov, lime green washing up bowl the red lantern on his land (see section below).
Pairings and Results Round 10 (see the Round 9) Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (2760) Sergey Karjakin 1/2 (2772), Magnus Carlsen (2881) 1-0 Fabiano Caruana (2783) Hikaru Nakamura (2772) lime green washing up bowl 1/2 Teimour Radjabov (2713)
A tournament is played with 6 participants by double-round, or 10 parts at a rate of 2 hours for 40 moves, lime green washing up bowl 1 hour for 20 moves and 15 minutes for the rest of the game with 30 seconds per move from 61st shot. Proposal no unauthorized before the 40th shot. Games are played at 12:00 French time, and at 10:30 am at the last round of 30 April. Participants: Magnus Carlsen, lime green washing up bowl Fabiano Caruana, Hikaru Nakamura, Sergey Karjakin, Shakhriyar lime green washing up bowl Mamedyarov and Teimour Radjabov.
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