published online Apr. 28 in the British Journal of Dermatology, Boots "No. 7 Protect & Perfect beauty round table base serum" has been "clinically proven to reduce fine wrinkles and improve the appearance of weathered skin." For the study, "dermatologists at the University of Manchester carried out a trial on 60 volunteers with signs of sun-damaged skin and found that the cream...could help reduce the most common signs of aging." In fact, "70 percent of people who used the cream for a year had significantly fewer wrinkles compared with volunteers using a placebo." The Times quoted Nina Goad, of the British Association round table base of Dermatologists, as saying, "Approximately one in five people using the cream will get something extra for their money over plain moisturizers." "Few over-the-counter round table base 'anti-aging' products have been subjected to a rigorous round table base scientific trial to prove their effectiveness," said study leader Chris Griffiths, a dermatology professor round table base at the University of Manchester, the UK's
(4/29, Creevy), "The study...found the cream stimulated production of fibrillin in the skin. Over a 12-month period, these structural effects in the skin are sustained." The product is now on sale in the United Kingdom and is "priced at £19.75 [approximately $29.24] for 30ml." Tíðindamaður Húðlæknastöðvarinnar var nýlega staddur í Bretlandi og keypti nokkrar krukkur af kreminu góða á 3 fyrir 2 tilboði. (20 pund fyrir 3 krukkur). Enn er þó round table base of fljótt að segja fyrir um árangurinn, en ef eitthvað er að marka háskólann í Manchester ætti hann ekki að láta á sér standa. Ekki sakar að geta þess að forstöðumaður rannsóknarinnar, prófessor Griffiths var eitt í framhaldsnámi á Landspítalanum hjá Helga Valdimarssyni prófessor í ónæmisfræði.
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