Kitchen (Kitchen) | - learn english, english online for everyone.
Start first A. Grammar Parts of Speech (Part of speech) I. noun (Noun) II. Article (Article) III. Adjective (Adjective) IV. Adverb (Adverb) V. pronoun (pronoun) VI. Numeral (Numeral) VII. Preposition (Preposition) VIII. Verb (Verb) Very tenses (Tenses) C. Forms asking (questions) D. Speech (Reported speech) E. The passive voice (The passive) F. Conditional sentences (Conditionals) 2 Vocabulary: phrasal verbs (phrasal verbs) False friends / Good friends Idioms English (Angielski idioms) English Proverbs (Proverbs Angielski) 3 Flashcards Business (Business) Man (Man) Home and Garden (House and Garden) Countries and nationalities (Countries and nationalities) Culture (Culture) Town & Country (City & Village) lichttisch Science and Technology (Science and technology) State and Society ( State and society) Travel & Tourism (Travelling and tourism) Basic (Beginner) Others (Others) Work (Work) Nature (Nature) Plants (Plants) Entertainment (Entertainment) Sports (Sports) School (School) Transportation (Transportation) Shopping services (shopping and services) Health (Health) Animals (Animals) family and social life (Family and social life) Food (Food) 4 Exercise 5 A. Aids Essays (Compositions / Essays) B. Topics for discussion (Topics for discussion) C. situations (Situations) 6 Entertainment 7 Summaries
kitchen / kɪtʃən / - kitchen cooking / kʊkɪŋ / - cooking food / fu ː d / - food, food aluminum foil / ˌ æləmɪniəm fɔɪl / - aluminum foil apron / eɪprən / - apron (Kitchen) bottle opener / bɒt (ə) l əʊp (ə) nə (r) / - bottle opener bowl / bəʊl / - bowl, cup casserole / kæsərəʊl lichttisch / - pot żarodoporny (with lid) chopping board / tʃɒpɪŋ ˌ bɔ ː (r) d / - chopping board coffee machine / kɒfi məʃi ː n / a - coffee coffee colander / kʌləndə (r) / - colander cooker / kʊkə (r) / - microwave cooker lichttisch hood / kʊkə (r) hʊd /, ventilation hood / ˌ ventɪleɪʃ (ə) n hʊd / - hood cookery book / kʊk (ə) ri bʊk /, cookbook / kʊk ˌ bʊk / - cookbook corkscrew / kɔ ː (r) k ˌ meticulously ː / - corkscrew lichttisch cup / kʌp / - cup cupboard / kʌbə (r) d / - cabinet, cupboard cutlery / kʌtləri /, silverwave (AmE) / sɪlvə (r) ˌ weə (r) / - cutlery, cutter / kʌtə (r) / - slicer cutting board / kʌtɪŋ bɔ ː (r) d / - cutting lichttisch board dish rack / dɪʃ Raeke / - Satellite dish dishcloth / dɪʃ ˌ klɒθ / - rubber Dishwasher dishwasher / dɪʃ ˌ wɒʃə (r) / - dishwasher drawer / drɔ ː ə (r) / - drawer dresser lichttisch / dresə (r) / - dresser duster / dʌstə (r) / - duster dustpan and brush / dʌs (t) pæn ænd brʌʃ / - dustpan and brush electric cooker lichttisch / ɪlektrɪk lichttisch kʊkə (r) /, electric stove / ɪlektrɪk stəʊv / - electric cooker
Most materials Degrees (Degrees) (2586) Specific questions lichttisch (Wh-questions) (2422) lichttisch indirect questions (Indirect questions) (2349) Countable and uncountable nouns (Countable and uncountable Nouns) (2231) Modal verbs (Modal Verbs) - application (1973) Haberdashery (Haberdasheries) (1375) possessive form (genitive Saxon) (1145) verbs expressing actions and states (Action and state verbs) (1133) Questions about the subject (Subject Questions) (983) Create nouns (Noun formation) (980)
Entries in categories 1 Grammar (92) A. Parts of Speech (Part of speech) (69) I. noun (Noun) (8) II. Article (Article) (4) III. Adjective (Adjective) (9) IV. Adverb (Adverb) (8) V. pronoun (pronoun) (16) VI. Numeral (Numeral) (5) VII. Preposition (Preposition) (6) VIII. Verb (Verb) (12) B. tenses (Tenses) (15) C. Interrogative forms (Questions) (8) 2 Vocabulary (422) phrasal verbs (phrasal verbs) (243) False friends / Good friends (2) English idioms (Angielski idioms) (151) English Proverbs (Proverbs lichttisch Angielski) (25) 3 Learning vocabulary (431) Business (Business) (15) Man (Man) (49) Home & Garden (House and Garden) (38) Countries and nationalities (Countries and nationalities) (17) Culture (Culture) (15) City & Countryside (City & Village) (15) Science and Technology (Science and Technology) (19) Economics & Finance (State and Society) (32) Travel & Tourism (Travelling and tourism) (40) Basic (Beginner) (11) Other (Others) (5) Work (Work) (22) Nature (Nature) (12) Plants (Plants) (13) Entertainment (Entertainment) (14) Sports (Sports) (15) School (School) (22) Transportation ( Transport) (14) Shopping and Services (Shopping and services) (20) Health (Health) (15) Animals (Animals) (17) Family and Social (Family and social life) (12) Food (Food) (25) 4 Class (1) 5 Aids (115) A. Essays (Compositions / Essays) (30) B. Topics for discussion lichttisch (Topics for discussion) (49) C. situations (Situations) (38) 6 Entertainment (6) 7 Reports (2)
All Rights Reserved. The materials in this site are protected by copyright. idonet 2013 - learning English, English onl
Start first A. Grammar Parts of Speech (Part of speech) I. noun (Noun) II. Article (Article) III. Adjective (Adjective) IV. Adverb (Adverb) V. pronoun (pronoun) VI. Numeral (Numeral) VII. Preposition (Preposition) VIII. Verb (Verb) Very tenses (Tenses) C. Forms asking (questions) D. Speech (Reported speech) E. The passive voice (The passive) F. Conditional sentences (Conditionals) 2 Vocabulary: phrasal verbs (phrasal verbs) False friends / Good friends Idioms English (Angielski idioms) English Proverbs (Proverbs Angielski) 3 Flashcards Business (Business) Man (Man) Home and Garden (House and Garden) Countries and nationalities (Countries and nationalities) Culture (Culture) Town & Country (City & Village) lichttisch Science and Technology (Science and technology) State and Society ( State and society) Travel & Tourism (Travelling and tourism) Basic (Beginner) Others (Others) Work (Work) Nature (Nature) Plants (Plants) Entertainment (Entertainment) Sports (Sports) School (School) Transportation (Transportation) Shopping services (shopping and services) Health (Health) Animals (Animals) family and social life (Family and social life) Food (Food) 4 Exercise 5 A. Aids Essays (Compositions / Essays) B. Topics for discussion (Topics for discussion) C. situations (Situations) 6 Entertainment 7 Summaries
kitchen / kɪtʃən / - kitchen cooking / kʊkɪŋ / - cooking food / fu ː d / - food, food aluminum foil / ˌ æləmɪniəm fɔɪl / - aluminum foil apron / eɪprən / - apron (Kitchen) bottle opener / bɒt (ə) l əʊp (ə) nə (r) / - bottle opener bowl / bəʊl / - bowl, cup casserole / kæsərəʊl lichttisch / - pot żarodoporny (with lid) chopping board / tʃɒpɪŋ ˌ bɔ ː (r) d / - chopping board coffee machine / kɒfi məʃi ː n / a - coffee coffee colander / kʌləndə (r) / - colander cooker / kʊkə (r) / - microwave cooker lichttisch hood / kʊkə (r) hʊd /, ventilation hood / ˌ ventɪleɪʃ (ə) n hʊd / - hood cookery book / kʊk (ə) ri bʊk /, cookbook / kʊk ˌ bʊk / - cookbook corkscrew / kɔ ː (r) k ˌ meticulously ː / - corkscrew lichttisch cup / kʌp / - cup cupboard / kʌbə (r) d / - cabinet, cupboard cutlery / kʌtləri /, silverwave (AmE) / sɪlvə (r) ˌ weə (r) / - cutlery, cutter / kʌtə (r) / - slicer cutting board / kʌtɪŋ bɔ ː (r) d / - cutting lichttisch board dish rack / dɪʃ Raeke / - Satellite dish dishcloth / dɪʃ ˌ klɒθ / - rubber Dishwasher dishwasher / dɪʃ ˌ wɒʃə (r) / - dishwasher drawer / drɔ ː ə (r) / - drawer dresser lichttisch / dresə (r) / - dresser duster / dʌstə (r) / - duster dustpan and brush / dʌs (t) pæn ænd brʌʃ / - dustpan and brush electric cooker lichttisch / ɪlektrɪk lichttisch kʊkə (r) /, electric stove / ɪlektrɪk stəʊv / - electric cooker
Most materials Degrees (Degrees) (2586) Specific questions lichttisch (Wh-questions) (2422) lichttisch indirect questions (Indirect questions) (2349) Countable and uncountable nouns (Countable and uncountable Nouns) (2231) Modal verbs (Modal Verbs) - application (1973) Haberdashery (Haberdasheries) (1375) possessive form (genitive Saxon) (1145) verbs expressing actions and states (Action and state verbs) (1133) Questions about the subject (Subject Questions) (983) Create nouns (Noun formation) (980)
Entries in categories 1 Grammar (92) A. Parts of Speech (Part of speech) (69) I. noun (Noun) (8) II. Article (Article) (4) III. Adjective (Adjective) (9) IV. Adverb (Adverb) (8) V. pronoun (pronoun) (16) VI. Numeral (Numeral) (5) VII. Preposition (Preposition) (6) VIII. Verb (Verb) (12) B. tenses (Tenses) (15) C. Interrogative forms (Questions) (8) 2 Vocabulary (422) phrasal verbs (phrasal verbs) (243) False friends / Good friends (2) English idioms (Angielski idioms) (151) English Proverbs (Proverbs lichttisch Angielski) (25) 3 Learning vocabulary (431) Business (Business) (15) Man (Man) (49) Home & Garden (House and Garden) (38) Countries and nationalities (Countries and nationalities) (17) Culture (Culture) (15) City & Countryside (City & Village) (15) Science and Technology (Science and Technology) (19) Economics & Finance (State and Society) (32) Travel & Tourism (Travelling and tourism) (40) Basic (Beginner) (11) Other (Others) (5) Work (Work) (22) Nature (Nature) (12) Plants (Plants) (13) Entertainment (Entertainment) (14) Sports (Sports) (15) School (School) (22) Transportation ( Transport) (14) Shopping and Services (Shopping and services) (20) Health (Health) (15) Animals (Animals) (17) Family and Social (Family and social life) (12) Food (Food) (25) 4 Class (1) 5 Aids (115) A. Essays (Compositions / Essays) (30) B. Topics for discussion lichttisch (Topics for discussion) (49) C. situations (Situations) (38) 6 Entertainment (6) 7 Reports (2)
All Rights Reserved. The materials in this site are protected by copyright. idonet 2013 - learning English, English onl
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