One of the items that are always in the bars and restaurants is the bar. Depending on the type of business and the type of service that will see substantial variation both its configuration and dimensions. Do not forget that regardless of the type of local business is not all that we have and allow us to do the ideal.
We begin by identifying the different elements of a bar as a working area, so we bar the backslash, the output bar and lobby bar. The bar: element disposed vertically separating customers staff work, sometimes also called counter. The backslash: element arranged vertically and is usually supported by partitions / walls or creating cloudy glassware central islands. The lobby bar: is the area of land for which the worker to perform the work of preparing and moving service. Output: space created on the bar to leave the hall bar to the customer or table area.
Usually under the bar items cold fridges, worktops, sink, cooling equipment for beer, etc ... basically those items of furniture that does not exceed 80cm in height are located. The backslash find most use of equipment such as coffee cloudy glassware makers, grinders, mixers, zumeras, cloudy glassware and all types of catering equipment for processing. At the bottom of the backslash is usually place all necessary glassware and reruns of some ceramics (cups of coffee or tea) and some simple replenishment of raw materials such as bottles of wine, beer, spirits, coffee, sugar , etc ... Among the upper and lower area, generally placed complementary service horizontal drawers. These drawers usually find cutlery (spoons, cuchilos, forks) and raw materials processing in coffee (tea, tea, lime, mint tea, sugar, etc ...).
We have clear each of the elements and where it is placed. Let us see which are right for each dimension. Bar Height: from 90cm to 120cm. recomiento personally not exceed 115 cm. what really sets the height of the bar are the thickness of it (from 2cm to 10cm by material countertop), height of the internal sink bar (if available, which is very normal) and of course the height of the sink always added to the tap, type of customer using the bar (if mostly cloudy glassware female clients we tend to set the bar lower) and finally products displayed therein. A high bar can end up being very comfortable house, but very uncomfortable for the worker, especially if we counter elements (for snacks, pastries, etc ...). Sometimes a very high bar ends up needing a supplement high in the hallway inside bar, which is not recommended because it places excesimente senior staff to the client and not pleasant. By calculation we will perform cloudy glassware is lower equipment height cold bar (usually 80cm) + sink faucet height cloudy glassware (usually 15cm) + counter height bar (usually 5). This gives us a recommended 100cm (1 meter) minimum height. If you want a little more comfort go up to 110 cm and if we have bar stools we can climb the 115 / 120cm. We only need to define the width of the bar and whether it should fly on the client side. I personally recommend you fly at least 10cm. and maximum 20cm., this gives us the potential customers placing pegs, hangers and that people can get closer to the service. The total width should not exceed 80 cm. and at least 50 cm. all depends cloudy glassware on the type of product and intended rotation, the more wider rotation is recommended.
The backslash traditionally mounted 100 cm above the ground, although some installers recommend having other heights. For correct height backslash we consider whether we have coffee and that it should not be very high because of the difficulty involved in conducting cafes. Sometimes there backslash that have various heights, depending on the needs of the service, this is the ideal, but not the cheapest setup.
The lobby bar is the big problem so meters means fewer customers, however leave very narrow implies greater cloudy glassware difficulty in movement preparation and tends to increase the ratio of broken crockery by manipulation. The recommendation is that at least matching 100cm. and a maximum of 150. In some very narrow local solution we will have no lower bar inside the 80cm. but I insist that in the case of very wide local strangled. cloudy glassware
Bar output is one of the elements always end based standing where less upset and not on where os
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