Monday, October 27, 2014

warp (real, cutting tools, not plastic parody) began to learn shortly afterwards (significantly, th

Recently I asked a girlfriend alarmed or let 3gadīgajam son to start learning to use scissors, or prohibit, however. Occasionally have observed situations collapsible dish rack in which children prefer plastic cutlery knives and such, which can not be cut up sausage. Today is the guests-dad saw that Christian herself, no unattended peeling a carrot, a little worried surprised asked if this is what he sees :) Christian began to use a spoon and eat independently, the age of 9 months, cut with a real metal knife ( initially - the table) she was allowed a half later at the age of
warp (real, cutting tools, not plastic parody) began to learn shortly afterwards (significantly, that does not allow the wrong instantly show what grip should be rotating and bringing someone), peeling knife, peel the carrots collapsible dish rack which up to 2 years of age had mastered perfectly .
Every child, of course, is different and of itself, that the original should be next to your child when he begins to learn the sharp and dangerous use, but - let a child run their participation in the pleasure and joy of his "I can do it herself" very significant. In the days following, the more important becomes the rational balance of such aiding :)
Hello, couple of days ago, I came across your blog, a balm for the soul! I am fascinated by dealing with children, even though I am not a particular 'school. I have all four of scissors / knives! And doing all along, how can provide a humane environment. Although collapsible dish rack I have not tried the iron, but like dolls bed linen, however, could allow time (my older lady and 3 years old)! Thanks for the hint! With a pair of scissors happens though is that the smallest (almost 2 years) cut a hole in the tights and the oldest places shortened collapsible dish rack the length of the hair yourself, its mass. Actually collapsible dish rack repeating my actions (cutting hair crowd and all sorts of clothes with 'rokdarbisku' view ...). Delight me, of course it did not, but at the things these performances belong ... Reply Delete
My boy was not yet two years old when I let him with a knife (very good kitchen knife) and a pair of scissors to cut. He was interested, it seemed harsh to prevent. Not once does not cut yourself. In addition, the scissors is a freakin great, but pastingras as ordinary children's scissors paper jammed between the blades and nothing can be cut! It just nerves may sabeigt! So join with you - let the children knives! :) Reply Delete collapsible dish rack
My comment at this time will be about a pair of scissors. The child must be given the scissors. And really not some kind of plastic štruntut but normal Scissors. How than are available in different collapsible dish rack sizes normal warp, respectively, may be adjusted such that ali can hold hands. Of course, do not go talking about babies. Salt is the fact that the warp to use directly related to a child's development. Using scissors, developing not only the small hand muscle and movement, but also the overall development. Of course, to look after etc., But I'm collapsible dish rack quite "on" a pair of scissors! Reply Delete
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