Filed under 2011, accessibility, kitchen, kitchens, comfort, interior design, distances, ergonomics, space, interior, white residue on dishes george cross, steps, furniture, health, safety, trend
Since we began designing a we know who will use the kitchen. For starters it is important white residue on dishes to know the heights of these people. Many measures in modern modular kitchens are the result of ergonomics and form industry standards. white residue on dishes But every kitchen is set up according to their owners and here other measures that appear directly under them. Height determines inter alia the height of the work surfaces or countertops, access to high furniture, appliances Heights detent white residue on dishes like oven, microwave.
The height of countertops or worktops. There are tables relating height and working height. In practical terms we can also determine and thus is more personal. If you stand straight, wearing comfortable shoes as commonly used in the kitchen, then put your forearms at 90 degrees to the vertical axis of the body. If in this position we measured the distance from the ground to the elbow and subtract white residue on dishes 15 cm, we will have our work height. This measure is the average we can give all kitchen countertops.
If we want to maximize comfort then add 6cm to the sink area and subtract 6 cm to the area of the fires. In the area of water really work for under the counter and thus overload the back. Fires near the pots have their height and this can be discounted. white residue on dishes In my opinion we can use the first measure and is generally longer satisfactory. These measures are experiments where a lower overhead looking back while performing chores. the back is not tilted more than 15 with respect to the vertical.
When a kitchenette for seniors is designed to perform these measurements are important for increasing accessibility and safety in the kitchen. In these cases people white residue on dishes really value every kitchen area have different heights.
In addition to the stature should know if the person is right or left. This is important to have door openings white residue on dishes and appliances, relative position of sink with the dishwasher. If this surdo client participates in the definition of these aspects for cooking success is guaranteed.
Ergonomics being seated. If we eat in the kitchen we can always squeeze between friends or family so that everyone can fit. Standard measures for diner are 60 cm wide and 40 cm deep if we sit on chair. If we use the height dining stools white residue on dishes are kept 60 cm wide and diner, white residue on dishes but the depth may be smaller up to 30 cm. When we have a table in the kitchen circulation spaces priority should be respected. If there is not enough room for the chairs include reducing operating table or stick it on one side of the wall. Considered 60cm wide per person. white residue on dishes There are tables 70 cm wide and fit some standard depth of 40 cm per person. Circulation space should be provided at least 50 cm. Less space does not guarantee a comfortable entry and exit to the table. When these measures are also used fixed benches worth. Standard size for a kitchen. Appliances: 60 cm wide is standard on Refrigerators, Ovens, Microwave latching, Compact. Dishwasher widths 45 and 60 cm. Washers and Dryers 60cm. Versions of microwave ovens and 50 cm wide. Hobs: Normal 60 cm, Comfortable 75-90 cm Hoods: In traditional aspiration Normal 60 cm, Comfortable between 90-120 cm. In perimeter aspiration is not necessary to cover the entire width of fires. Boxes and Baskets: 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 80, 90, 120 cm.Cada manufacturer has its standard. Drawers and baskets white residue on dishes of more than 90 cm wide and reinforced guides lead stabilizers. Wine racks: Double width 30 cm, plain also used for oils and spices 15 cm. Dispensers: 30,45 cm. 60 cm are usually very heavy Rondo in corner cabinet: 90 x90 cm, 105 x 105 cm. Call it straight angle corner cabinet Corner Magic 105, 120 x 60 cm (door from 45-60 cm) furniture High: 45, 60.90 cm-30 cm. In windows 100, 120, 150, 180 cm high furniture corner: 60 x60 cm. There are sharp corners x 60 cm depth cabinet. Columns: 45, 60,90 cm depths Columns: average 60 cm, 36-39 cm deep wall units
Standard height of kitchen furniture: white residue on dishes Boxes and Baskets: white residue on dishes heights of 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 42 cm. Up to 18 cm are considered drawers, Los height 12 and 14 cm provide little restraint. Low furniture without legs are usually white residue on dishes 70-72 cm standard height. Legs 14-20 cm tall deliver different