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FROM FIBER TO THE NATURAL BAMBOO STICK, everything is utilized Bamboo is the name given to plants of the subfamily Bambusoideae, of the grass family (Poaceae or Gramineae). This sub-family is divided into two tribes, the Bambuseae (bamboos called delenhosos) and Olyrae (called herbaceous bamboos).
Opinions vary widely and new species and varieties are added every year, but it is estimated that there are about 1250 species in the world, scattered among 90 genera, natively present in every continent except Europe. Inhabit a high range of climatic conditions (tropical and temperate zones) and topography (sea level to over 4000m).
Bamboo has lignified stalks used in the manufacture of various objects such as musical instruments, furniture, baskets and even in construction, which is used in the construction of earthquake-proof buildings. It is also possible to produce from this grass, bamboo fiber.
Vegetable matter, as well as cotton or linen, bamboo has in its favor some additional pluses. Its fiber extracted from a pulp, is characterized by its homogeneous and characteristic heavy (it does not knead) and its smooth and shiny appearance, similar to silk. Above all, it has anti-bacterial respiratory virtues.
Because it is a renewable tropical plant that produces annually without the need for replanting, bamboo has great agricultural potential. Besides being an efficient carbon sink has excellent physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics. Also bamboo is a natural two tier dish rack resource that is renewed in the shortest time interval, without any other forest species that can compete with it in speed of growth and recovery by area.
However, despite its versatility the plant is still little used in Brazil, either by ignorance of its species, characteristics and applications, whether due to lack of specific research and inefficient dissemination of information available. In Brazil, the use made of bamboo is restricted to some traditional applications, such as crafts, stick-to-fish, furniture manufacturing and in the production of edible shoots.
The important China Bamboo Research Center Chinese research center - CBRC (2001) pointed out that since the 1980s there has been an intensification of the use of bamboo in various industrial areas, towering food production, paper manufacturing, and applications in engineering and chemistry. Products made from bamboo processed ("timber" bamboo) can replace, or even prevent, the cut and the predatory use of tropical forests, emphasizing, among other products such as coal, charcoal, chopsticks, plates clusters , hardboard oriented (OSB), interwoven plates for use in formwork for concrete (bamboo plywood) panels, products made from glued laminated bamboo (such as floors, ceilings, wainscoting), mats, composites, components for construction / housing and furniture industries, among others.
Unlike trees, bamboos all have the potential to increase the overall height and girth in a single growing season of 3-4 months. During this first season, the clump of young shoots grows vertically, with no branching. The next year, the pulpy wall of each culm or stem slowly dries and hardens. The culm begins to sprout branches and leaves from each node. During the third year, the culm further hardens. The bud is now considered a fully mature culm. Over the next 2-5 years (depending on species), two tier dish rack fungus and mold begin to form on the outside of the culm, which eventually penetrate and dominate the stem. About 5-8 years later (depending on climate and species), the growth of mold and mildew cause the collapse of the stem and its decadence. This brief life means culms are ready for harvest and are ideally suited for use in construction within 3-7 years.
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