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The members of the conservative Pashtun ethnic group and reclusive bin Laden thought fortified, retro homeware two-story villa living neighbors, why not supposed aroused suspicion over the family secrets.
"They were very stiff, so the man did not seek their company and did not want to be my friend" - told Sinaz Bibi, who lives about 150 meters from the walls several meters surrounded by camera controlled house in which bin Laden and his relatives lived.
"I always thought that two Pakistani Pashtun man was the master of the house, but when I think about it, some things never wrong" - said one of bin Laden's immediate neighbor, retro homeware who identified himself as Abdullah Dzsan at AFP journalist. Abdullah, who four years ago moved to the terrorist leader fork opposite the house, recalled that the two men, and Tari owners Arsadnak the pastuknál "was clearer skin, their beards are often worn to Arabic."
Neighbors remembered that the inhabitants of the villa lived a very reclusive life and not looking at all the connection to the neighborhood residents. "Arsad for example, has never been willing to give his cell phone number, she said no to him, and everyone in the world has at least one mobile" - told Abdullah. The female members of the family were not too friendly, unlike the local custom never been into guest and visitors will never be sold or wedding celebrations, also stayed away. The doctors saw no neighbors opposite the villa and out to walk, and believed bin Laden was so ill that require dialysis.
Tariq Abdullah retro homeware remembers Arsad and in 2005 moved to the villa. Neighbors said they arrived at the military academy Pesavárból famous Abbotábádba, trade and foreign exchange dealing. One of them, Arsad, according to information from the authorities really abbotábádi fourth, Pashto and Pakistani descent. retro homeware He took it from the capital city, about 60 kilometers away from the land, and he began to build the villa, which was the last hiding place of the world's most wanted criminals.
There are many more mysteries surrounding the master of the house to another, from about 35 years old, his owners denominator Tari man, whom neighbors since Monday to assume he was the son of bin Laden, whom the U.S. commandos shot dead during the action. "Before that I never thought about it, but like Tariq bin Laden" - Abdullah stated. Tarik published twice in a local small baker's shop and bought six or seven round bread. Mohammed, the owner of the shop cheers the idea that he was the bread, which he ate the last of al-Qaida leader. "I'm proud because he was a hero who defied America" - he said.
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