Warning! Your're in Danger! Your Computer is infected with Spyware! All you do with your computer is stored forever in your hard disk. When you visit sites, send emails ... All your actions are logged. And it is impossible to remove wood pedestal base them with standard tools. Your data is still available wood pedestal base for forensics, and in some cases For your boss, your friends, your wife, your children. Every site you or somebody or even something, like spyware, opened in your browsers, with all the images, and all the downloaded and maybe later removed movies or mp3 songs -!!! ARE STILL THERE and could break your life Secure yourself right now Removal all spyware from your PC after the test, all executable files full seal can not move, work Administrators can also open, view the root directory, window directory, system32 directory, wood pedestal base programs files directory, the virus can not be found or suspicious files, wood pedestal base do you want to bagging wood pedestal base it? After repeated tests, Bunny finally found a solution. Remove System wood pedestal base Tool fake security tool Rationale: System Tool (system tools) is the same series with Security Tool fake security tool. This infection is also classified as a rogue anti-spyware because it disguised as antivirus programs, but in fact itself is a malicious software that displays fake security alerts and scan results after installation, so that you mistake your computer has been infected, even make you pay. System Tool software in this post will be in the directory under XP, the directory is C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ Vista and Windows 7 under, compared with C: \ Documents wood pedestal base and Settings wood pedestal base \ All Users \ Application Data \ built on a randomly named folder, the program will be placed here. How to remove System Tool fake security tool solution: After CD boot, delete the randomly named folders, wood pedestal base you can reboot the machine I tested guests, Explorer can not be used, the whole block executable files, and therefore, can not in Under existing environmental Clear bootable, you can avoid the virus code execution, so you can successfully deleted CD or flash drive without the use of power, perhaps you can try safe mode to delete look 9:36:00 March 4, 2011 AM
Thank Yadee Hsu return next ==== Yadee Hsu also exactly the same problems today in the computer used by the company results in no bootable CD .. no password login security mode is also the case .. actually I successfully deleted it randomly generated The file .. very strange wood pedestal base .. after login without a password had to choose safe mode reboot .. Windows found after logging just started "System Tool pseudo-security tools," yet in the implementation .. So hurry to the Application Date delete wood pedestal base that random directories and files .. actually a success .. XD .. for your reference see ..... March 4, 2011 8:33:00 pm
At noon today, wood pedestal base the computer unit is also in the System Tool all applications are not open, we are Vista systems. In the F8 safe mode, both can not find the Application Data folder is no Documents & Settings folder. How to do? March 9, 2011 1:50:00 pm
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