Mk mix in a large bowl with powdered sugar and vanilla. Add chopped masoi cold knife at the slightest kawaki. Mona these cold insane crush on a grater lp 550 for vegetables. lp 550 Add weaves and bends the dough quickly. These film and to lodwki at least 30 minutes. Molds for cupcakes (this may be a form of a muffin) pan with melted masem or possibly oil and lecture cake. I rozwakowaam cake batter, excision of the glass paperback and molds them wyklejaam. Wild ago muffins miayrwn thick :) Muffins put in the oven preheated lp 550 to 190 C and Picza about 15 - 20 minutes, and they start a blush. After baking, lp 550 let stand cakowitego muffins cool.
Prepare lemon curd Maso dissolve and allow to przestygnicia. Lemons, wash thoroughly and wipe them skrk (only surface, t layers, without biaej which he has become a bitter). Juice wycinij and przeced. In a metal or glass bowl with beaten eggs and sugar gift shop. Add insane, juice and skrk lemon and a bit of potato flour. Mix everything thoroughly, preferably RZG. A bowl of attitudes on a pot of water gotujc up and stir the heat all the time, and clearly zgstnieje cream. Leave to wystygnicia and put to lodwki.
Prepare the cream into a bowl in the mascarpone, blend lightly mixer. Add lemon curd and blend together. If you like you can a little lp 550 dosodzi. The cream does not delaminate and can post up in the fridge for several days.
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