It was a case of serendipity when I met Anja at the Frankfurt Book Fair during her very short trip around the fair halls. She was looking for illustrators and I took the chance to introduce myself and my books. I gave her a copy of MMG and two days before I return to Malaysia, she e-mailed me about her intention in translating my book to German and published it as an e-book. I quickly jump at the opportunity and now the e-book is at its re-designing stage by Anja. The enhanced ebook with audio will be published jet dry before Christmas this year. It will be made available for sale at Apple's iBook Store, and for the Google and Amazons Kindle devices.
October 30, 2014 at 9:41 pm
October 30, 2014 at 12:01 pm
I Javanese la. indeed we talk thumb = great
haha. ok sorry. My name je java. since the father of our soldiers sitting wander. 3 new village sits degrees. then enter the dormitory jet dry level 1 dah .... Java language never got very. mudah2 je yg tau. hehe. yg tau Cabaret? Recover ... How are you? Wes good to eat? Wes ... Dah eat? Dah Fish ... Catfish catfish Vegetables Vegetables ...
eh, my reply was not bred ni dah tau tu la jane all again one that I never had to sleep .. I was never a foster family johor mark mak .. adoptive father bred talk very thick .. MMG if they talk to both of us, our self-DGR ni do not understand a single thing ..
but seriously jet dry ... tak reti ... lebih2 again if you talk tu concentrated. if I come home, go home tok sedara, when diaorg chat, je me smile .. Angguk2. but do not understand .... right emotion ...
yela it .. haha .. I was actually there to learn word java else but self adhesive jet dry je tu kat head and besides, MMG two questions org yg ni je bhasa always asked in the Java language: wes wes eat or sleep oh, with news jugak la .. Another sign one ear and out the right ..>. <
if not exposed jet dry from the beginning jet dry it was hard also want to learn Java language ni ... ni like my family, father je yg talk fluent java. I understand mak je, but not reti talk. so, the basic language jet dry at home bahasa melayu je la.
Fun hear people say ni Java language. I used to have friends who know how to talk Java as well, but only if kitorang, they talk normal and Malay language. When you're alone haaa mula2 hear tu Java language.
November 3, 2014 at 10:55 am
tu la .. I was lucky jela wrong .. I was hot-tempered boss also follows org org tu N9 .. day in production jet dry due maki many reasons for one to do so .. kinda scary la .. make us more cautious nak do whatever fate temperament tu .. got carried away in the office ..
IPod ye? You never try. My friends used to pi Pappa Rich order tea or lemon, save lah nak reason always mark the store's normal .. once a failure by lemon tea expensive lah lah .. back .. where there is tea or lemon mark situ
Tu nice. Can try later. Can avoid swallowing Panadol ja
why not you, my brother sitting near london, her story, there are stingy medicine doctors mark. preferably if asking our natural remedies and let the opponent's body to build antibodies to the disease first. her son is no problem since childhood (lung and heart pari small side abnormal position). time sitting KL affected gi hospital each month. sometimes icu following breathing problem. but when i ni london jet dry very rarely sick. already more than a year sitting there never to icu again.
Ohhh story. Nice actually practice what they tu. We rely mark and drugs to speed up healthy. If you use natural remedies to heal tu ni nak effect may gradually, but when antibodies are strong, hard lah tu nak can back pain.
it la. first my sister complained too. doctors said here stingy medication. ask us to take drugs from the clinic she used to go and post there. but when lama2, any child less problematic, there are new never kebaikanya.
oh, let org yg Malaysia jela too dependent on drugs .. ever .. I just did not understand the mentality of our organization .. mak my dad used to be forced me mkn pain medication if .. if you do not sit with them, and He can practice natural remedies instead of mkn medication ..
Imaishi says:
today I am no activity. so did not manage to come comment here ... then again, scan read comments mark the last post (take 30 minutes too) ... Mak ai ... 600 comments you ... impressed. lazy to add a comment mark there. here only connect tu la ye
October 30, 2014 at 12:45 pm
October 30, 2014 at 5:05 pm
I've never kain syuq jane jane with no pictures kat blog and highways card. syuq profile also mark Postcrossing even seem eccentric je .. hehe .. never come face to face, something we are always happy ^ __ ^
hehe .. ready berpantun more fun anyway syuq ni .. read .. ok, we will continue to move, let's finally able to laugh uproariously, when can win prizes .. (err, ignore uproariously .. tu tak nak tau park What other word to rhyme: jet dry P